Letter to the Editors

“COMMENTS ON ‘BIBLICAL FLOOD AND THE ICE EPOCH’” Rev. Monsma’s book review of Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch by Daniel Patten requires an answer. The very thesis of the book leaves much to be desired. The author states that the book rests upon two important definitions of Earth history which are opposite and mutually […]

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Arnold H. De Graaff: THE EDUCATIONAL MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH. A Perspective. (Doctoral dissertation, Free University, Amsterdam. December, 1966) 175 pages, paper-bound. Printed at Delft, the Netherlands, by Judels and Brinkman, 1966. In the first chapter of this dissertation, entitled Orientation, the author discusses the concept “religious education,” and considers especially the nature and place of […]

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A Look at Books

CREATION ACCORDING TO GOD’S WORD by John C. Whitcomb Jr. Published by The Reformed Fellowship, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan. 29 pages. Price 25¢ each, discounts for quantities of 50 or more. Dr. Whitcomb is Professor of Old Testament Studies and Director of Post-graduate Studies at Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana. This booklet contains three lectures […]

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Is Infant Baptism Scriptural?

The question whether infants of believing parents should be baptized appears to be perennial. It is put repeatedly. Hence this doctrine must be stated over and over again, in order that its Scriptural basis and character may not be lost out of sight. Here is an attempt to state these things as briefly and at the same […]

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A Look at Books

DE BRIEF AAN DE PHILIPPENZEN EN DE BHIEF AAN PHILEMON (Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament) by H. M. MATTER. J. H. Kok, N.V., Kampen, the Netherlands, 1965, 128 pp. Fl. 11.25. In the series of the Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament, Dr. H. M. Matter presents a commentary on Philippians and Philemon. This volume replaces the almost 30year-old […]

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Sabbaticals Elsewhere in this issue is an article by the Rev. John De Kruyter on sabbaticals for ministers. He has amply established the value of such periods of study. We can be thankful to the Seymour Christian Reformed Church and other churches in taking the leadership in this. Such a policy that enables a minister periodically […]

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A Look at Books

LISTENING TO GOD ON CALVARY, by George Gritter. Baker Book House, 1965. 143 pages. Price $2.50. The subtitle of this book is “Messages on the Seven Words from the Cross.” Many books have been written on these words and, I suppose, nearly every minister has preached and every saint meditated on them. One might be […]

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Two Protestants Look at Rome

THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL AND THE NEW CATHOLICISM by G. C. Berkouwer. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, 1965. Translated by lewis B. Smedes. 264 pages. Price $5.95 ROMAN CATHOLICISM TODAY by H. M. Carson. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids. First American Edition 1965. 128 pages. Price (paper) $1.45 Though, generally speaking, […]

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Christianity and the Problems of Origin

This is a monograph of thirty-nine pages, constituting part of “An International Library of Philosophy and Theology” (Biblical and Theological Series ) and published in 1964 by the Presbyterian and Reformed Publish. ing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. The writer is the well-known Philip Edgcumbe Hughes. He is introduced as an Anglican clergyman and as the editor of […]

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Genesis, Evolutionism and the Churches II

A CONFUSED STATE OF AFFAIRS In the preceding article it was stated that the situation is in a great flux in the Netherlands Gereformeerde Kerken. Movement and change are occurring in more than one respect. N. J. H. writes in the issue of Gereformeerd Weekblad of June 19, 1964, “Whoever knows anything about the tensions (in […]

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