ABORTION: A SOCIOLOGICAL ISSUE Against the rising tide of permissive legislation relative to abortion on request, those who raise religious arguments seem to have little success in stemming the waves. This is so because the religious arguments carry no weight with those who have long since assumed that the arguments are sociological rather than religious. […]
Dear Editor: After my article entitled “Existential Living” appeared, I had some response from lay readers suggesting that some of my meanings were not entirely clear. I had no intention to speak in tongues, that is, to use philosophic jargon which is foreign to the average reader, so I would like to use this means […]
Many who discuss liberal education begin with a survey of past ideas going back as far as antiquity. They often begin by pointing to the Creeks as free men liberally educated. I do not intend to give such an overview here. In fact, it is not so much my purpose to discuss educational philosophy, as […]
Recently, I was talking to a non-Dutch student ft who had more than usual difficulty pronouncing the Dutch names. Later on, when we got to the subject of Existentialism, it was not surprising that she didn’t quite hit it right either. She began with “Existen” and then trailed off into something some what less or […]
SPIRITUALLY MINDED PASTORS I once heard the late Dr. Barnhouse say words to this effect: “If you as pastors are to feed your flocks, you must be fed yourself. A three inch water intake is necessary to provide high pressure in two inch water lines. You as pastors must have a ‘three inch intake’ of […]
THE GENERATION LAP There seems to be a common misconception abroad concerning the disturbances on our university campuses. It is the notion that the disturbances are generated by young people who have been “turned off” by the values of their parents. Recent studies as to the origins of the activists show that this is not […]
HONESTLY NOW The devil has one tactic which he seems to put to regular use; at least, it seems to be in current vogue. The devil regularly uses a truth as a foil or as a kind of backdrop against which he perpetrates a monstrous lie. At present integrity is his “thing.” Recently, he has […]
A REFORMED SEMINARY IN THE BENUE? – YES Rev. T. Monsma’s article in the last month’s TORCH AND TRUMPET, indicates the change of opinion that is going on in the hearts of some of the missionaries in Nigeria. 1 also have had a change of mind on the need and importance of a Reformed Seminary […]
POST-DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY Many Americans look upon our democratic liberties as God-given rights which we enjoy as a favored people who live under a “manifest destiny” which is God-ordained. This gives us the mandate to propagate democratic institutions willy-nilly not only as our natural right, but as a Christian duty. In fact, some so confuse democracy […]
FORTAS’ FORTRESS In reaction to the Griffin-Conservative opposition to the confirmation of Abe Fortas as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Senator Hart, also of Michigan, in a televised interview decried the fact that the question of confirmation seemed to compromise the principle of the separation of the three branches of government. He […]