Letters to the Editor

The Unpardonable Sin (February Issue) Richard Venema’s article “The Unpardonable Sin” was uncommonly good . It was clear and easily understood. It was to the point and logical. It was well written and Biblical. After reading the article, the reader has a good grasp of a problem. Well done. An informed reader, Glenn Palmer 8145 […]

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Letter to the Editor

REFORMED PEOPLE IN HUNGARY [MAY] Dear Pastor: Will you please pass on the following is formation to the Rev. Vigh or make a supplement/addition in a next issue of Outlook. There were a few things which were not correct in the last issue. The article itself was excellent, very commendable; be must have bad his […]

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Letters to the Editor

BIBLICAL CRITICISM AT CALVIN Dear Editor: Lately, quite a bit of attention in The Outlook has been given to what is being taught at Calvin College. Since I have recently taken a course there that dealt with the women-in-church office issue that disturbed me somewhat, and was representative of the other religion and theology classes […]

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PUNT’S “BIBLICAL UNIVERSALISM” Dear Editor: I greatly appreciate the fairness and accuracy with which the Rev. John Vander Ploeg presented the premise of my book in his article “Punt’s ‘Biblical Universalism’” (Feb. ’81). The most important question, however, is whether my exegesis of the so-called “universalistic” texts is biblically accurate. The article says nothing about […]

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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I want to thank OUTLOOK for its tribute to Edwin H. Palmer, for he was responsible for my being aware of the magazine, he bought me a gift subscription in March. The thoughts about him were absolutely true, especially the statement, “he wanted Reformed people to love their doctrine and to promote their […]

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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor: The interesting article “A Break Overdue” by H. VanderKam, July 1980, evoked memories as well as insights re the Schilder controversy in the Netherlands. There are several parallels which I feel should have been made since, although the issues may have been different, the mode of procedure is almost identical to the past […]

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Letters to the Editor

ON THE HOSPICE MOVEMENT The Rev. Mr. E. L. Hebden Taylor’s treatise entitled “First Legalized Abortion Now Legalized Euthanasia” in the June 1980 issue of the Outlook contains statements upon which I must comment. My perspective is that of a Christian, professional critical care nurse with thirty years of nursing experience. For me, the challenge […]

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Letters to the Editor

The following have been submitted and we place them, without endorsement, for the interest of our readers. Dear Editor: On February 18, 1980, the Orthodox Christian Reformed Church of Burlington, Washington, was organized as a Church of Jesus Christ. On that date former mem· hers of the Christian Reformed Church of Mount Vernon, Washington, chose […]

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Letters to the Editor

ON THE VOS LEGACY It was good that the Outlook carried the article by Peter De Jong on Geerhardus Vos and J.G. Vos. Some scholars feel that G. Vos was the greatest Reformed theologian the western hemisphere has produced. They consider that the mantle of Calvin fell on his shoulders. And J.G. is not only […]

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