The Predicament of a Conservative

It is difficult to give an appropriate title to this article. The designation “conservative” is generally accepted and in a general way better understood than more suitable terms. If there were a consensus as to the meaning of terms such as reformed, calvinistic, confessional and historic faith, these would be preferable. Lamentably, the philosophical dialectic […]

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An Alarming Trend

I am writing a few articles on an alarming trend in the Christian Reformed Church. What is true in my Church is hardly different from what is happening in other denominations. There is not only a departure from the Faith of the Fathers, but also a serious deterioration in the observance of the standard of […]

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Would You Call This Presbyterian?

My copy of The Banner arrived today. As I often do, I took a couple of minutes to page through it, skimming those items which caught my eye. I was struck by the first letter in “Voices” (3/30/79 issue) in which the council of one of our churches informs the denomination that it “. . […]

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The Verhey Case – Why Press It?

The case of Dr. Allen Verhey, which was before our Christian Reformed synods two and three years ago (and ought to have been settled then) again confronts the whole denomination as it is to reappear at our next synod. Why should this matter continue to trouble the churches? What makes it worth pursuing for more […]

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Creed in Crisis

Editorial Note: In this contribution the Rev. Mr. Kloosterman, pastor of Immanuel Christian Reformed Church, Sheldon, Iowa. comments on the petition (gravamen) presented by Dr. Harry R. Boer to the 1977 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church. In this gravamen Boer asks the church to declare that statements in the Canons of Dort, one of […]

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CRC Synod ‘78 – A House Divided

Rev. H. Vanden Heuvel, pastor of the Bethel Church of Sioux Center, Iowa, member of our Board and delegate to the CRC Synod, was asked to report on Synod actions for THE OUTLOOK. The Christian Reformed Synod met on the campus of Calvin College and Seminary along with four other member churches of NAPARC – […]

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