Textual Catechism Preaching

This suggested approach to catechism preaching was prepared for some seminary students and may interest our readers. The Christian Reformed Church Order states (Art. 54b) “At one of the services each Lord’s day, the minister shall ordinarily preach the Word as summarized in the Heidelberg Catechism, following its sequence.” This article both reflects and maintains […]

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An Obedient Church (IV)

In this series of short articles we have been focusing attention on some basic issues which trouble our churches, by presenting side-by–side (1) the historic, Biblical Reformed view, and (2) the emerging, changing broadening view held by a growing number of people in our churches. This article directs attention to the church, considering what it […]

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III. An Honest Confession

In an effort to illuminate some of our important church problems recent OUTLOOKS have at the Board‘s suggestion contained articles attempting to present side–by-side (1) the historic, Biblical Reformed view and (2) the emerging, changing, broadening view held by an increasing number in our churches. The March issues contained such a presentation of I. The […]

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I Expect the Resurrection

“He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (I Peter 1:3, NIV). A Musical Confession The B Minor Mass of Johann Sebastian Bach has been acclaimed the greatest work of possibly the world‘s greatest musician. Although he called his work a ” mass” and […]

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Spotlighting the Issues

Two kinds of controversies trouble Christian churches. There are differences of opinion over minor matters which must be adjusted and accommodated in a spirit of patience and forebearance. There are also controversies that concern the essence and character of the Christian faith which must be resolved by correction and discipline if the faith is to […]

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J.G. Vos on the “Imprecatory” Psalms

In a recent issue of The Banner some of the psalms, in particular the so-called “imprecatory psalms” were harshly criticized by Marlin Van Elderen, editor of The Reformed Journal as misleading and unsuitable for Christian use. On January 4 the Psalter Hymnal Revision Committee of the Christian Reformed Church held a lecture–discussion on the issue “Should […]

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Pattern of Apostasy

The True or False Distinction A striking feature of our Belgic Confession’s doctrine of the church (Article XXIX) is its sharp distinction between the true church and the false church. Especially in our time of church confusion we need such clear explanation of differences in principle between the true and the false. At the same […]

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Real Adults Must Discriminate

“. . . the mature . . . by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:14 (NIV) One of the most telling indications of the moral degeneration of our society is the way in which even the meanings of words become reversed-in the church as well as in the world. […]

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The Child’s Name Was God

“And they shall call his name Immanuel; which is, being interpreted, God with us.” (Matthew 1:23; Isaiah 7:14). “And his name shall be called . . . Mighty God.” Isaiah 9:6 A Christmas “Fairy-Tale”? Calvinist Contact on October 5 reported in a special insert, on the enthusiastic opening of t he new King’s College in […]

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The Vos Legacy

“GEERHARDUS VOS (1862–1949): A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH” by Ransom Lewis Webster pp 304–317 in The Westminster Theological Journal, Spring, 1978. THE BOOK OF BOOKS, Essays on the Scriptures in Honor of Johannes G. Vos, edited by John H. White, 150 pp. +37 page list of the published writings of J. G. Vos, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing […]

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