Time for Catechism

With the coming of fall the time approaches for our churches to resume the practice of one of our most significant and influential Reformed traditions, the religious training of especially children and young people in “catechism” classes. A Biblical Tradition This training is deeply rooted not only in history, but prior to that and as […]

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Rebuilding the Waste

“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope” (Rom. 15:4). The Reformed Fellowship is a company of people who are concerned about the reformation and revival of the Church. Our periodical has expressed and served that concern for three decades. […]

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The Dutch Report on Biblical Authority

Last month Rev. Henry Vanden Heuvel reported that for the present the continuing policy of the Christian Reformed Churches with respect to the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (mother churches of many of our members) will be one of fraternal relations as though we shared a common faith. Despite their decision to condone homosexual practice […]

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Why Baptize Infants?

I still have some clear memories of what was probably my first serious encounter with that question when, just out of seminary and in our first parsonage in the southeastern corner of Texas, we entertained a Presbyterian and a Baptist minister. It was not long before the two veterans were giving the newcomer an introduction […]

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The Gospel and the Poor

A Trend in Missions The above title appears over the leading editorial of the Feb. 2, 1981 issue of Getrouw, the Dutch monthly publication of the International Council of Christian Churches of which Rev. J. C. Maris is secretary. The article begins by comparing two unusually important missionary conferences, both of which were concerned with […]

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What Kind of Man Was Calvin?

July 10 was the birthday of John Calvin. (That’s one of the few birthdays I easily remember because it happens to be identical to my own.) Born in 1509, “the Reformer had and continues to an extraordinary degree to have to have a role in church history as the great teacher of the reformation. Rev. […]

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What Will the CRC Synod Do?

At this time of the year we again review the newly published Agenda (“things to be done”) for the June Synod of the Christian Reformed churches. Such a survey may interest members of church consistories who get (but few of whom may read) the 472 page book, as well as other of our church members […]

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Letters to the Editor

BIBLICAL CRITICISM AT CALVIN Dear Editor: Lately, quite a bit of attention in The Outlook has been given to what is being taught at Calvin College. Since I have recently taken a course there that dealt with the women-in-church office issue that disturbed me somewhat, and was representative of the other religion and theology classes […]

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Bach’s Musical Response To Biblical Criticism

It is commonly assumed and sometimes expressly claimed that today’s “higher” criticism of the Bible is really a new problem—the results of revolutionary scientific discoveries in our time. A little indepth acquaintance with the history of the Christian church in any of a number of periods in its past plainly reveals the error of that […]

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