Sell our Heritage for a Song?

A few years ago, I was invited to conduct the worship services at a Christian Reformed church in western Michigan. Before the evening service, as I sat in the consistory room, one of the elders informed me that a vocal group from a local Baptist church would be presenting some “special music” before and during […]

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Two Views of Revelation

You don’t have to be very old or very wise to notice that things are changing in the Christian Reformed Church. Some of the changes are for the better; few people would want to see everything in the denomination stay the same. At the same time, when the changes involve denial of Biblical truth or […]

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Would You Call This Presbyterian?

My copy of The Banner arrived today. As I often do, I took a couple of minutes to page through it, skimming those items which caught my eye. I was struck by the first letter in “Voices” (3/30/79 issue) in which the council of one of our churches informs the denomination that it “. . […]

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