The Verhey Case – Why Press It?

The case of Dr. Allen Verhey, which was before our Christian Reformed synods two and three years ago (and ought to have been settled then) again confronts the whole denomination as it is to reappear at our next synod. Why should this matter continue to trouble the churches? What makes it worth pursuing for more […]

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God’s Men and Doctrines

ATHANASIUS AND THE DEITY OF CHRIST I’ve found one of the most exciting and profitable areas for Christian study to be the history of the Lord’s Church—and more particularly the history of the proclamation, preservation, defense and definition of its gospel doctrines. One of the most revealing points of view from which to approach the […]

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Difficult Decisions

Current developments in the Christian Reformed Churches are rapidly driving those of us who are members of it toward having to make some difficult decisions. In last month‘s OUTLOOK Rev. Henry Vanden Heuvel reported at length especially on the way in which the June Synod handled the matter of women‘s eligibility for church offices. From […]

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J.I. Packer on the Old and New Gospel

Today there is widespread interest in evangelism. That concern often seems to be directed more toward getting practical results than toward bringing the gospel message by the methods the gospel itself demands. When in this situation some are attacking the Reformed doctrines of the Sovereignty of God as hindrances to evangelism and many more are […]

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In current discussions and controversies about the Bible both in our immediate church circles and in the wider Christian world this question is coming to the surface as a most important one: Does the way we use the Bible determine what authority it has? While some would answer, “Of course, it doesn’t” there seems to be […]

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Gospel Riches and Church Poverty

(continued) 2. A REAL AND TOTAL SALVATION The inspired Bible was given to us, as the Apostle Paul said, “to make . . . wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus . . . that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work” (II Tim. 3:15, 17). It […]

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Kuitert on Faith – But What Faith?

Following is a review by Rev. Peter De Jong of Harry M. Kuitert‘s book, Th e Necessity of Faith or Without Faith You’re As Good As Dead (Eerdman’s Publishing Co., 159 pages, $2.95). Rev. De Jong is pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Dutton, Mich. This is an interesting, significant, and easily read book. […]

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Prescription for Church Renewal?

Herewith is the review by Rev. Peter De Jong, pastor of the Dutton (Mich.) Christian Reformed Church, of the 255-page book, Will All the King’s Men . . . (Out of Concern for the Church Phase II) including essays by James H. Olthuis, Hendrik Hart, John Van Dyk, Arnold De Graaff, Calvin Seerveld, Bernard Zylstra, […]

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Key 73 – A Failure?

In the June 15 Church Herald, Peter Paulsen, from his vantage point in one of the promotional offices of the Reformed Church of America, ventures to express a few of his observations on Key 73. “Key 73, the much heralded, year-long program of continent-wide evangelistic endeavors,” Paulsen writes, “is now half over.” While the reports […]

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