CRC Synod ‘78 – A House Divided

Rev. H. Vanden Heuvel, pastor of the Bethel Church of Sioux Center, Iowa, member of our Board and delegate to the CRC Synod, was asked to report on Synod actions for THE OUTLOOK. The Christian Reformed Synod met on the campus of Calvin College and Seminary along with four other member churches of NAPARC – […]

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When God Answers Prayer

An Annual Day of Prayer was observed on March 9. A prolonged drought in various areas makes this article on prayer especially timely as another season of sowing the seed is at hand. This article first appeared in The Sioux Center News. Rev. Henry Vanden Heuvel is pastor of the Bethel Christian Reformed Church of […]

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Two Forms for the Baptism of Children are presently under consideration by the CRC and proposed for adoption in 1976. In this article Rev. Henry B. Vanden Heuvel explains this situation that has led to questions and some confusion and he also evaluates Form Number One. In a following article he plans to evaluate Form […]

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The Biblical Basis of Infant Baptism (1)

In compliance with a request, and because of the importance of the matter, the publishers of THE OUTLOOK have scheduled a series of three articles on Baptism in general, and Infant Baptism particularly. Rev. Henry Vanden Heuvel, writer of these articles, is pastor of the Bethel Christian Reformed Church of Sioux Center, Iowa. a id=”set-post-thumbnail” […]

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In this article, Rev. Henry Vanden Heuvel, pastor of the Bethel Christian Reformed Church of Sioux Center, Iowa deals with two overtures pertaining to the CRC Form of Subscription (see p. 71 in supplement to Psalter Hymnal), a document to be signed by all professors, ministers, elders, and deacons. Overture 7 asks for a revision […]

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THE OUTLOOK is pleased not only to publish but also to endorse wholeheartedly the accompanying Testimony Concerning the Promotion of Christian Education issued by the Northwest Iowa Chapter of Reformed Fellowship, Inc. Executive Committee members of the chapter are: DR. PETER Y. DE JONG, President REV. HENRY VANDEN HEUVEL, Vice-President REV. JOHN B. HULST, Secretary […]

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Toward a Responsive Youth Group

When it comes to a youth group in the church, what we all want is a responsive group. I mean a youth group that discusses and responds enthusiastically. Most youth leaders that I have talked with have this complaint more than any other; the young people do not discuss. They are generally respectful and reverent, […]

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