Anyone acquainted with ecclesiastical affairs recognizes that the issue of “women in office” is tearing many a church apart. Throughout the Roman Catholic Church the question of “females in the priesthood” is heatedly discussed. The recent rupture of the Protestant Episcopal Church cannot be correctly evaluated apart from the approval on the part of a […]

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This completes the “Testimony” of which the first half was printed in October. The “Testimony” is the result of long discussion and a year of work by a committee and has been endorsed by over 40 Christian Reformed ministers who say that it expresses substantially their convictions on major issues that confront our churches today. […]

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For a long time members and friends of Reformed Fellowship have felt that the time has come to state succinctly and yet fully the positions which we believe to be biblica and confessional over against the many deviations which confront us. Certain of our brothers in Northwest Iowa were found ready to try their hand […]

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Through His Death We Have Life, Forever . . .

A spirit of pessimism has seized the souls of many right-thinking believers. Nearly all main-line denominations and many smaller ones now register significant losses of membership. Church attendance, with few notable exceptions, declines at an alarming rate. Millions in our lands sustain little more than a nominal relationship to the church and seem to know next […]

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Peter Y. De Jong wrote this article for the December–January 1952 issue of Torch and Trumpet (former name of this publication). Dr. De Jong is pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Sheldon, Iowa. Today the feeling is widespread that the Christian Reformed Church is passing through a period of spiritual declension. Although the […]

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Guidance for Elders and Deacons

Dr. Peter Y. De Jong, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Sioux Center, Iowa, is the author of several books and has also served as Professor of Practical Theology at Calvin Seminary from 1964 to 1970. Herewith THE OUTLOOK presents the second in a series of articles by him on Guidance for Elders […]

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Guidance for Elders and Deacons

Dr. Peter Y. De Jong, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Sioux Center, Iowa, is the author of several books and has also served as Professor of Practical Theology at Calvin Seminary from 1964 to 1970. THE OUTLOOK is pleased herewith to present the first in a series of articles by him on […]

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THE OUTLOOK is pleased not only to publish but also to endorse wholeheartedly the accompanying Testimony Concerning the Promotion of Christian Education issued by the Northwest Iowa Chapter of Reformed Fellowship, Inc. Executive Committee members of the chapter are: DR. PETER Y. DE JONG, President REV. HENRY VANDEN HEUVEL, Vice-President REV. JOHN B. HULST, Secretary […]

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Scripture: Genesis 9:18–29 For simplicity, sobriety and straightforwardness the Holy Scriptures have no peer among all the books which the centuries have produced. Here in language which also children can understand God tells through the inspired writers the story of his dealings with the sons of men. Repeatedly we marvel at the brevity and restraint […]

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