Lesson 11 II Thessalonians 1:6–12 In the previous verses of this chapter the Apostle had spoken of the great progress these Thessalonians had made in the Christian life and how grateful he is that this work of God has proceeded so beautifully. These words were also an introduction to the main theme with which he […]

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Lesson 7 I Thessalonians 5:1–11 Awaiting the Lord’s Return The last event in the history of the redemption of God’s people is the second coming of Christ. The question naturally arises, when will He come again? This question has been asked throughout the ages. Are we not to look forward to His coming? Can this […]

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Lesson 5 I Thessalonians 4:1–12 In all of the Pauline epistles there is a doctrinal section and a section dealing with the practical life of those whom he is addressing. Usually the doctrinal section comes first according to the rule: the practical life is based on the doctrines which are confessed. In this epistle he […]

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Paul’s Joy in the Report From Thessalonica

Lesson4 I Thessalonians 3 Personal Letters One of the most fascinating things about the Epistles of Paul is the fact that they are indeed letters sent to a specific people, dealing with a specific purpose and written at a specific time. They are not, as has often been charged, dry treatises on doctrinal matters, but […]

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Thessalonian Lessons – Lessons 1 and 2

Henry Vander Kam, pastor of the CR Church at Doon, Iowa, begins a series of studies on the letters to the Thessalonians, letters which focus attention especially on the Return of Christ. Lesson 1 – I Thessalonians 1 On his second missionary journey the Apostle Paul had also come to the city of Thessalonica. This […]

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