THE CONTRAST BETWEEN THE BELIEVER’S AND UNBELIEVER’S LIFE. Lesson 9 Ephesians 4:17–24 The church of Jesus Christ will somehow display a unity in the midst of a hostile world. We often despair of such a unity, but it is a fact despite the fact that there are all manner of branches of that one church […]
PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE EPHESIAN CHURCH Lesson 7 Ephesians 3:14–21 The main task which the Lord has given the apos.ties to do is to teach and proclaim the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. However, there was also a priestly work to be done to build up the church which the Lord had established. It is […]
We are glad that Henry Vander Kam, the pastor of the Doon, Iowa, church is making a good if gradual recovery from a heart attack and can begin these new studies. OUR GLORIOUS REDEMPTION Lesson 1 Ephesians 1:1–14 A Letter About Christ’s Church Paul wrote this beautiful epistle while he was a prisoner in Rome. […]
Lesson 15 II Thess. 3:1–5 Paul is coming to the close of a very brief letter which he has sent to the Thessalonian church. He has really dealt with only one doctrinal matter in this letter and has given them the right view concerning the time immediately prior to the return of Christ. He has, […]
Lesson 13 – II Thessalonians 2:6–12 In the previous verses the author had spoken of the nature of the man of sin who will come before our Lord returns. The question may well rise in the minds of the readers: Why is his coming delayed until the time just before the return of Christ? Paul […]
Lesson 9 I Thessalonians 5:16–28 The Apostle is coming to the close of this first epistle to the Thessalonian church but he still has many things to say to them. When we consider the volume of work accomplished by this man, we often wonder how he found the time to write to so many churches […]
Lesson 7 I Thessalonians 5:1–11 Awaiting the Lord’s Return The last event in the history of the redemption of God’s people is the second coming of Christ. The question naturally arises, when will He come again? This question has been asked throughout the ages. Are we not to look forward to His coming? Can this […]
Lesson 5 I Thessalonians 4:1–12 In all of the Pauline epistles there is a doctrinal section and a section dealing with the practical life of those whom he is addressing. Usually the doctrinal section comes first according to the rule: the practical life is based on the doctrines which are confessed. In this epistle he […]
Lesson4 I Thessalonians 3 Personal Letters One of the most fascinating things about the Epistles of Paul is the fact that they are indeed letters sent to a specific people, dealing with a specific purpose and written at a specific time. They are not, as has often been charged, dry treatises on doctrinal matters, but […]
Henry Vander Kam, pastor of the CR Church at Doon, Iowa, begins a series of studies on the letters to the Thessalonians, letters which focus attention especially on the Return of Christ. Lesson 1 – I Thessalonians 1 On his second missionary journey the Apostle Paul had also come to the city of Thessalonica. This […]