Dating: With or Without Dancing

Once taboo, social dancing has gained acceptance within a segment of the evangelical community. Does this mean that we are moving away from the unduly restrictive standards once imposed upon young people? Or is it an overreaction against the unreasonable strictures of brittle legalism, reflecting the larger trend toward the complacent identification of Christians with […]

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RYS National Convention 2019: Total Life Insurance

Every year RYS hosts a summer convention (Monday through Friday) to celebrate our unity in Christ as Reformed Christians. Typically, these special national events consist of two main speakers exploring a theme, along with several related workshops. The 2019 National Youth Convention was held July 22–26 at Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio. The theme of […]

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Reformed Fellowship Youth Conference

The following article was written by one of the young people attending the Reformed Fellowship Winter Youth Conference, held March 16–18, Cedar Glen Conference Grounds, Bolton, Ontario, Canada. Close to 100 young people attended the conference. The fact that made our weekend at Cedar Glen very worthwhile is: rather than a mere retreat, the weekend […]

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Youth Wants to Know

WHAT IS OUR STAND ON MORALITY THESE DAYS? “What is our stand on morality these days?” Seventy-five years ago Dr. Abraham Kuyper wondered if that question would be asked in the future. He, a theologian, churchman, educator, politician and social welfare student, spoke to a United States audience of Presbyterians in Princeton, New Jersey in […]

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Toward a Responsive Youth Group

When it comes to a youth group in the church, what we all want is a responsive group. I mean a youth group that discusses and responds enthusiastically. Most youth leaders that I have talked with have this complaint more than any other; the young people do not discuss. They are generally respectful and reverent, […]

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Clippings . . .

Introduction: This, we hope, will be a monthly feature of OUTLOOK. In it we will quote or summarize certain things which appear in magazines “of Reformed persuasion.” Our range is limited to those periodicals which appear within the Christian Reformed Church, the Protestant Reformed Churches, the Orthodox Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterian, Presbyterian U.S., Reformed Church in […]

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What Synod Did – Race and Youth Evangelism

Marvin Van Donselaar, pastor of the Kanawha (Iowa) Christian Reformed Church and a delegate from Classis Northcentral Iowa to the 1971 Christian Reformed Synod, herewith gives his reactions to decisions on two matters: “Project Equality” and “Guidelines and Principles for Youth Evangelism.” “Project Equality” – Synod of 1971 was confronted by the Home Missions Board […]

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Let Youth Be Youth

Let youth and youth’s counselors be reminded that the book of Proverbs is still in the Bible. It’s hard not to go overboard on youth. A delightful age it is, with bright eyes and bright ideas, with endless vitality and drive. And often there is great enthusiasm and sparkling idealism. Also, the honesty and openness […]

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