Letters to the Editor

A KUYPER ON HEADSHIP Rev. P. DeJong, Sioux Center, Iowa 4855 Starr Street, S.E. November 2, 1981 Grand Rapids, Mich. 49506 Dear Brother: Recently, I have been studying about “headship” in the works of Dr. A. Kuyper. I thought it might be interesting for the readers of The Outlook. I will quote a few statements […]

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THE BIBLE‘S INSPIRATION It ought to be said and said plainly: Some of our professors at Calvin College & Seminary hold to views of the Bible’s inspiration which are questionable. to say the least, and not in harmony with a biblical view of inspiration, to say a bit more. And it is misunderstanding of the […]

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Teach Them to Obey

In the training of children, there is often a one-sided emphasis on love. Is it true that if children are sufficiently loved they will automatically obey their parents? This common assumption brings trouble for it lets the children decide whether or not they will obey their parents. We must never forget that children are born […]

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Within recent memory the ecclesiastical drums were being beaten for “youth services.” If you wanted to be “right on,” “in the spirit of our times,” that was the “in” thing to do! Now not near so loudly but quite perceptively another trend is developing among us, namely, the introduction of “Children’s Church Services.” Oh yes, we […]

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God So Loved . . . That He Gave

Rev. Cornelius J. Van Schouwen of Sioux Center, Iowa served as professor of Bible at Dordt College from 1954 until his retirement in 1968. This is the second installment of his article on “God So Loved . . .”, the first of which appeared in the February issue. The essence of God‘s love, as indicated […]

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God So Loved the World

There is an unwarranted emphasis these days on the love of God. I suppose you too have seen the lapel buttons with the words “Smile, God loves you” or the bumper slickers – “If you love God, blow your horn.” Evangelists addressing large audiences say to the people in mass, “God loves you,” Many of our own people […]

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While Men Slept

In connection with the parable of “The Sower” Christ uttered another parable in which He said: “The Kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man that sowed good seed in his field: but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. But when the blade sprang up and […]

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About “Schism”: Another Point of View

Of late, lengthy articles have appeared in The Banner about the sinfulness of ecclesiastical schism. It seems to me that some of the positions taken in these articles arc rather extreme. Church history indicates in no unmistakable terms that the Church can keep herself pure only by seceding from apostatizing denominations. The two branches of […]

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ANTI-REVOLUTIONARY? Dr. A. Kuyper, founder of the “Free University, called his political party the Antirevolutionair Partij. With this indication, he meant to say, that he was strongly against radical changes in the social and political structure of society. Even though his program was principled by the Word of God, yet he was determined to introduce […]

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