Few are called to the ministry and it is my feeling that Synod has taken a wrong tum. We as members of this Covenant are always to he ready to give a reason for the hope that Beth in us. Now Synod has said this is not the Christian‘s purpose! Wrong! This is every Christian‘s purpose! All of us are called to stand before the world and confess our Savior. As Paul says to Timothy. “But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of the faith, lay hold on the life eternal whereunto thou wast called, and didst confess the confession in the sight of many witnesses” (I Tim. 6:11–12).
In conclusion, Rev. Piersma is certainty correct in his characterization of Synod ‘77 when he said, “it was not marked by decisive and courageous action.”
Where are the courageous leaders of the church today? Where are the Luther’s and Calvins? We as members of a congregation arc Riven the opportunity to elect our ciders and deacons. If these men are not going to stand up courageously for the truth than the blame must fall back on us. Maybe we should look more closely at I Timothy 3!
We need courageous leaders who stand up for the truth and condemn the false doctrine and heresy in the church today—no matter what the cost!
(Mr. Vellenga plans to attend Michigan State University this fall.)