The following have been submitted and we place them, without endorsement, for the interest of our readers. Dear Editor: On February 18, 1980, the Orthodox Christian Reformed Church of Burlington, Washington, was organized as a Church of Jesus Christ. On that date former mem· hers of the Christian Reformed Church of Mount Vernon, Washington, chose […]
Recently a special Sunday was observed throughout the denomination. Christian Schools International provided bulletin covers, the BANNER had a complete issue devoted to Christian Education and the OUTLOOK carried a couple of articles concerning the Reformed emphasis of Christian education. I’m sure that most of us appreciate a special emphasis on Christian education. It is […]
ALL IS NOT WELL IN THE CRC Anyone who is not a stranger in Jerusalem knows, to say it mildly, that all is not well in the Christian Reformed Church. Much has been written about this condition and in reading this again and again, I recall the Word of the Lord spoken by His servant […]