A Look at Books

THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CHURCH GROWTH, by Harvie M. Conn, Editor. Reviewed by Rev. John G. Van Ryn. Through the efforts of Dr. Donald McGavran and others of the School of World Mission at Fuller Seminary, Church Growth has become the focus of much attention in mission circles. Terms such as “winnable people,” “homogeneity,” “people movements” […]

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A Look at Books

JONATHAN EDWARDS: THEOLOGIAN OF THE HEART, by Harold P. Simonson. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 174 pages. $6.50. Reviewed by Rev. Charles Greenfield, Emeritus, Kalamazoo, Michigan. There are some emphases, rather contradictory, that apparently have always been a concern of the Church. John W. Montgomery in Christianity Today, once analyzed “Washington Christianity” as “superficial, non-doctrinal, […]

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A Look at Books

SCIENTIFIC CREATIONISM, edited by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. Published by Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego, California, 92115; 277 pages; $4.95. Reviewed by Rev. C. Van Schouwen. Dr. H.M. Morris, director of the Institute for Creation Research, headed a team of twenty-five scientists to produce this monumental book. Considering the fact that practically every “ism”, including communism, […]

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ABRAHAM KUYPER: a biography, by Frank Vanden Berg. St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada: Paideia Press, 1978; 282 pp. $4.95, paper. Reviewed by Rev. Jerome Julien, Pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church, Pella, Iowa. Some men really stand out in the Reformed tradition. One of these is Abraham Kuyper. But as great as be was and […]

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A Look at Books

HISTORICAL DIRECTORY OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA, by Peter N. Vanden Berge, 1978. 385 pages, 1978. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, $15.00. Reviewed by John Vander Ploeg. Even though the majority who read these lines are probably CRC in their denominational affiliation, nevertheless the volume under review can be of interest […]

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THE GOSPEL OF LUKE by William Hendriksen; 1122 pages, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $13.98. Reviewed by John Vander Ploeg. A commentator of the caliber of William Hendriksen comes along not once in a generation but more likely only once in a century. Just scanning, and here and there dipping into, The Gospel of […]

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A Look at Books

BOOKS RECEIVED (Books received from the publishers for mention and/or review –John Vander Ploeg) DEATH BEFORE BIRTH by Harold O. J. Brown: 168 pages; Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers; $5.95: “a book which looks at all sides of the abortion problem . . . .” THE SHAKING OF ADVENTISM by Geoffrey J. Paxton; 172 pages; Baker […]

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A Look at Books

STUDIES IN HEBREWS, by H. C. G, Moule. Published by Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 120 pp., price $2.45. Reviewed by Rev. Calvin D. Vander Meyden, pastor of the Jamestown, Mich., Christian Reformed Church. The author of this book received his education in England at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he later served as Dean of […]

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A Look at Books

DE DINGEN DIE ONS VAN GOD GESCHONKEN ZIJN. Catechism Sermons on the 52 Lord’s Days of the Heidelberg Catechism. Author B. Holwerda. Reviewed by John De Pater, Escalon, California. This book of sermons will become of great value to Reformed Christians in America with its forthcoming translation in the English language to be published by […]

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A Look at Books

A HISTORY OF PREACHING. Vol. III. From the close of the Nineteenth Century to the Middle of the Twentieth Century (continuing the work of the Volumes I and II by Edwin C, Dargan) and American Preaching (not covered by Dargan). During the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, by Ralph G. Turnbull. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, […]

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