The Moral Majority, Inc. (an evaluation)

Yes, I did it again. I sent another check in support of the Moral Majority, Inc. Why? Let us try to evaluate the reasons to see if they are valid and stand up under the scrutiny of Christian stewardship. Americans indeed are taking notice of Lynchburg, Virginia’s Jerry Falwell—educator, pastor, conservative theologian. His Moral Majority […]

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A Look at Books

STUDIES IN HEBREWS, by H. C. G, Moule. Published by Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 120 pp., price $2.45. Reviewed by Rev. Calvin D. Vander Meyden, pastor of the Jamestown, Mich., Christian Reformed Church. The author of this book received his education in England at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he later served as Dean of […]

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GRACE UNLIMITED. Edited by Clark H. Pinnock. Bethany Fellowship, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1975, 264 pp., $4.95, paper. Reviewed by Rev. Johan D. Tangelder. This symposium was written explictly against Calvinism. Each essay supports one variety or another of the Wesley-Arminian tradition. The contributors are Clark Pinnock who wrote the Introduction and “Responsible Freedom and the […]

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Let’s Try the RPAO Version

Simon C. Walburg‘s article reflects something of the bewilderment of many devout Bible readers as they are now being confronted with a rash of new versions of the Bible. In placing this article, THE OUTLOOK has no intention whatsoever to detract from the esteem we owe bona-fide and responsible scholars such as those who are […]

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Mr. and Mrs. Bar Fly

“Bzzzzz,” said Mr. Bar Fly. and plumped his black body on a nearly bald customer in the Blue Moon Tavern. He made a perfect six point landing and took a look around. The air was heavy with the blue haze of cigarette smoking patrons. The stench of firewater was strong and unnerving. Tin-pan music harking […]

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Two-Hundred Million Dump-Pickers

“Dented cans, rusted pans, jingle as they fall. We’re a great dump-picking crew, two-hundred million in all.” I pricked up my ears and listened to this queer ditty sung in bass to the tune of Jingle Bells. From my awkward position I could not see the owner of the voice. I had just tumbled headlong […]

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Retirees and Barnacles

The Big Dream – In the last few decades we have all been obsessed with the Big Dream. That big dream is a fat pension check at retirement with fringe benefits that are frilly and “thrilly.” At one time a man (or woman) was tickled to get a job with reasonable wages. Today mere striplings […]

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Is it plane geometry When you’re called a Square? Or plain ignominy, When people call you rare? If principle makes me Square, or queer or odd, Lord, help me ever be A square for thee my God!  

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Spiritual Bi-Focals

Both near and far, Lord help me see Thy kingdom as proposed by thee. Nor let my eyes, immersed in tears, Or sorrow or in sodden fears, Be narrowed to a few folk here, Forgetting heathen not so near. Nor let me get far-sighted, Lord, Forgetting that thy blessed Word Is for the heathen right […]

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