THE STRENGTH OF THE HILLS, Elswyth Thane, Christian Herald House, Chappaqua, New York. 219 pp. $6.95. Copyrighted 1950, 1976. Reviewed by Marian M. Schoolland. Originally published under the title Reluctant Farmer, this charming book of Elswyth Thane has reappeared with a new title, one which at first blush suggests a devotional book. It is not […]
GRACE UNLIMITED. Edited by Clark H. Pinnock. Bethany Fellowship, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1975, 264 pp., $4.95, paper. Reviewed by Rev. Johan D. Tangelder. This symposium was written explictly against Calvinism. Each essay supports one variety or another of the Wesley-Arminian tradition. The contributors are Clark Pinnock who wrote the Introduction and “Responsible Freedom and the […]
Jay E. Adams: YOUR PLACE IN THE COUNSELlNG REVOLUTION. Nutley, N.J.; Presbyterian and Reformed, 1976. 44 pp. $ .95. Reviewed by William H. Kooienga, Glen Rock, N.J. Jay Adams continues to write at a pace faster than some are willing to read, The flow of books and pamphlets testifies to a great sense of purpose and […]
This is the tenth in a series of articles on Reformed Doctrine, under the heading, What We Believe. The familiar question-and-answer method is being followed. Rev. Elco H. Oostendorp of Hudsonville, Michigan, deals with “The Fall”in this article. What is meant by the Covenant of Grace? The covenant of grace is the gracious arrangement that […]
This is the ninth in a series of articles on Reformed Doctrine, under the heading, What We Believe. The familiar question-and-answer method is being followed. Rev. Elco H. Oostendorp of Hudsonville, Michigan, deaLs with “The Fall” in this article. “What Is Sin?” “Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of. the law of God.” […]
This is the eighth in a series of articles on Reformed Doctrine, under the heading, What We Believe. The familiar question-and-answer method is being followed. Rev. Elco H. Oostendorp of Hudsonville, Michigan, deals with “The Fall” in this article. What is meant by the probationary command given to Adam? When God created Adam He placed him […]
This is the seventh in a series of articles on Reformed Doctrine, under the heading, What We Believe. The familiar question and answer method is being followed. In this article, Rev. Elco H. Oostendorp begins his treatment on “The Doctrine of Man.” What is man that he should be loved and visited by thee? This […]
This is the sixth in a series of articles on Reformed Doctrine, under the heading, What We Believe. The familiar question-and-answer method is being followed. Rev. Elco H. Oostendorp of Hudsonville, Michigan, deals with “The Doctrine of God” in this first section of the series. What do we believe about God’s Providence? This is beautifully […]
This is the fifth in a series of articles on Reformed Doctrine, under the heading, What We Believe. The familiar question-and-answer method, used so effectively by Bosma‘s Reformed Doctrine of a bygone day, is being followed. Rev. Elco H. Oostendorp (retired) of Hudsonville, Michigan deals with the “Doctrine of God” in these opening articles. How did […]
This is the fourth in a series of articles on Reformed Doctrine, under the heading What We Believe. The familiar question-and-answer method, used so effectively by Bosma’s Reformed Doctrine of a bygone day, is being followed. Rev. Elco H. Oostendorp of Hudsonville, Michigan, is the writer. What is meant by the decrees of God? The […]