Letters to the Editor

ON THE HOSPICE MOVEMENT The Rev. Mr. E. L. Hebden Taylor’s treatise entitled “First Legalized Abortion Now Legalized Euthanasia” in the June 1980 issue of the Outlook contains statements upon which I must comment. My perspective is that of a Christian, professional critical care nurse with thirty years of nursing experience. For me, the challenge […]

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During the anti-abortion struggle in England in 1966–1967 in which I took part against Steel‘s bill in the British House of Commons to legalize abortion I pointed out that if his bill was passed it would not be long before the British Parliament also legalized euthanasia. Such has in fact now happened. Legalized murder of […]

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According to the April 30th issue of U.S. News & World Report, “the new U.S.–Russian treaty on strategic–arms limitation—SALT—has been all but formally settled . . . SALT II will go beyond the first strategic–arms agreement by putting firmer ceilings on the numbers of intercontinental missiles, bombers and warheads the two super-powers can have.” The American […]

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THE GOSPEL OF LUKE by William Hendriksen; 1122 pages, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $13.98. Reviewed by John Vander Ploeg. A commentator of the caliber of William Hendriksen comes along not once in a generation but more likely only once in a century. Just scanning, and here and there dipping into, The Gospel of […]

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Unwilling to work for reformation of the present deformed social order, many people, especially students, are resorting to civil disobedience and violence. The present wave of demonstrations and street riots sweeping the Western world is justified by those taking part in them on the grounds that an individual or a group is entitled to disobey […]

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