“RENDER UNTO CAESAR” When we pay our taxes we are doing what Jesus bids us do and we ought to do it as in His sight and service. But this is only a token payment of much more which we owe to our state and nation. The Bible tells us to become very involved in […]
MAY WE BELONG TO THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY? Questions such as this come to n pastor often in the course of a year’s experience. There are an increasing number of organizations and associations open to Christian Reformed people nowadays, and our membership. attendance and contributions are being solicited. Many of us find this a most […]
AMILLENNIALISM TODAY, by William E. Cox. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, Phila., Pa., 1966, paper, 143 pp. The author is a Baptist minister. who for some years preached the Scofield Bible “religiously,” then upon closer study turned from its dispensationalism and premillennialism. He considers “amillennial” an unfortunate term, meaning literally “no millennium,” whereas we do believe “the thousand […]
The home urgently needs a high priority in life. For the home-makers it is the goal of their dreams’ the center of their efforts. For society it is the basic unit; as go the homes so goes society. Without good homes there can be no great society. The Christian home is outstandingly important. It shelters and […]
THE CHURCH AND ITS THEOLOGIANS Theology is popularly defined as the “interpretation of religious faith, practice, and experience.” In the church different people take part in it in different ways and degrees. We arc thankful for good “pew theologians,” Aquila and Priscilla, tentmakers, heard the preaching of the eloquent Apollos, then “took him unto them, and expounded unto […]
THE WORLD OF MISSION by Bengt Sundkler (translated from Swedish by Eric J. Sharpe), Eerdmans, 1965. 307 pages. Price $6.95. This is an historical survey of missions that tries to stress especially the environment in which mission work has been carried on. In Part One the author discusses the Kingship of Christ as proclaimed by Christian […]
When our office-bearers sign the Form of Subscription (p. 71, back of Psalter Hymnal) something fine takes places; a commitment of faith in, and loyalty to, our Reformed Standards. It has been unfairly claimed that this signing asks us to “rule out in advance all public discussion of all creedal problems.” But a careful reading gives better […]
CREATION ACCORDING TO GOD’S WORD by John C. Whitcomb Jr. Published by The Reformed Fellowship, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan. 29 pages. Price 25¢ each, discounts for quantities of 50 or more. Dr. Whitcomb is Professor of Old Testament Studies and Director of Post-graduate Studies at Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana. This booklet contains three lectures […]
INQUIRY WITH RESPONSIBILITY Very likely many have pondered the article of Dr. Henry Stob in the May-June Reformed Journal (p. 5), where he writes about the propositions set forth by the “Dekker” study committee. In effect he warns that Synod should not proclaim the committee’s propositions as “‘dogmas’ to be honored by all who are charged to think Christianly […]
LET’S MATCH CALVINISTS AND ROMANISTS! A round table discussion of Calvinistic ministers and Roman Catholic priests—now there’s a thought. I have just finished reading The II Vatican Council and the new Catholicism by Berkouwcr. The author, quite characteristically I think, makes too many concessions to the enemy hut nevertheless spells out the general concensus that a fresh […]