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SPIRITUALLY MINDED PASTORS I once heard the late Dr. Barnhouse say words to this effect: “If you as pastors are to feed your flocks, you must be fed yourself. A three inch water intake is necessary to provide high pressure in two inch water lines. You as pastors must have a ‘three inch intake’ of […]

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Kuyper and Politics

How can the US Congress prevent the establishment of religion while also insuring the free exercise of religion? Are concepts such as justice and rights inherently religious? (The American Declaration of Independence states that rights come from the Creator.) How can we fully discuss issues such as prayer in public schools, abortion and civil rights […]

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Passing the Point of No Return

If nations can reach a point of no return, America crossed it recently when the US Senate failed to override President Clinton’s veto of a bill that would have outlawed a hideous form of child killing known as partial-birth abortion. If this nation will not protect human life at a time when it can strive […]

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Americans Will Face a Critical Election

Although this article will reach most readers after the national election, the insights are valuable in the light of ongoing social, moral and spiritual deterioration going on in this country. Unless you live in an underground vault, you know that in less than three months the American people (or at least about 40 percent of […]

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John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion was published in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1536. In our modern age, when some Christians go around saying that God is love (that’s true) but seem embarrassed about His other attributes (holiness, righteousness, little things like that), Calvin’s work, taken to heart and mind is a wonderful antidote. Let […]

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Closing the Gap

It was probably the largest gathering Washington has ever seen, but the real power of “Stand in the Gap,” sponsored by the Christian men’s movement known as Promise Keepers, was in its consistent refusal to speak of, or attempt to influence the government. Even the stage was turned away from the Capitol building. Speakers had […]

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Facing Up to the Immoral Majority

Twenty years after the emergence of the so-called “Religious Right” on the American political radar screen, it is time to assess the impact and future prospects of the greatest political-religious movement since Prohibition. How close are religious conservatives to obtaining their announced goals of outlawing abortion, blunting the gay rights movement, winning the war on […]

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