Although this article will reach most readers after the national election, the insights are valuable in the light of ongoing social, moral and spiritual deterioration going on in this country. Unless you live in an underground vault, you know that in less than three months the American people (or at least about 40 percent of […]
Picture the scene with me. You’re seated with a friend who has invited you to join her at a church that she says is “nothing like you’ve ever been to before.” You’re skeptical and a bit nervous, not knowing what to expect. You were raised with a rather traditional approach to God, howbeit it was […]
I was sitting in her kitchen having a Coke. She was an attractive woman and the parent of a pretty little girl. She was also another sad product of the “Me” generation who had overdosed on the road to “self-fulfillment.” She had recently divorced her husband for the unspeakable crime of not making her happy. […]
They almost passed each other in the hallway when one of the men stopped and said, “Hey, are you still in the (one of the ministries of the church)?”, to which the other man said, “Oh, didn’t you know? I quit the —-.” The guy next to him said the same thing with the same […]
That’s it! I’ve had enough. In fact, I am basically quitting. No, I’m not going to become iconoclastic and throw the thing out the window, but I sure won’t be spending much time putting my brain in neutral and just watching as I used to do. This has been coming on for some time. Yes, […]
“Ellen” is out and the “culture war” is now in full blown. The homosexual community, Planned Parenthood, much of the media, most of the entertainment industry, a vast array of those wearing judicial robe and the politicians of social engineering are all arrayed against the Neanderthal and society-ally retarded right-wing radical Christians and moralists who […]
Well, it’s that time again—the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. It’s a great time to be in the land of the free and the home of the barbeque grill, jaunts in the mountains, and the migratory flights of four-wheeled vehicles to sun-drenched beaches. Ahhh, this is the life. Yet for millions of my fellow […]
A few weeks ago I received an e-mail asking for prayer. David Allen, a young missionary to Malaysia, had contracted a rare (possibly unknown) disease that was killing him. He couldn’t keep anything down and his body was literally wasting away. The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta said it would be two months before […]
I preached the funeral of a man today who suffered years of emphysema agony. It was another evidence of God’s mercy that this gentleman wasn’t allowed to linger any longer. I stood before the crowd of family and friends and looked upon a sea of somber faces. I spoke of the hope we have in […]
The institutional church of which I am a part, all too often doesn’t look anything like what Jesus portrayed, and that’s part of the reason so many folks end up “church damaged.” But occasionally you find a faithful picture of what a “Great Commission” church is supposed to resemble. Let me tell you about one […]