This year (1976) THE OUTLOOK (formerly TORCH AND TRUMPET) is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary of publication. The nrst issue was published for April-May 1951. In commemoration of this occasion, each issue during 1976 is to Carry one or more reprints from the issue of that first year, 1951. At the time he wrote this article, […]
The reviewer received this pamphlet from the Estonian Society of Los Angeles, California, which is concerned to awaken the American public to the menace of Communism for the free world. but more especially as a threat to the life of the Churches. The author. Prof. […]
Whether “the character of coming generations shall receive the stamp of atheistic materialism, or whether those values which came into the world with the Christian faith shall be the foundation of human society” is being decided in East Germany today. Thus Otto Dibelius. Evangelical Bishop of Berlin, judges in the FOREWORD of God and Caesar in […]
To the average American, culturally uprooted and religiously indifferent, the answer to the above question is, “Why not?” To the political defeatist, who sees the onrush of Communism as irresistible, the answer may be, “By all means I What other force is there in this world than that of Catholicism that has the spiritual stamina […]
John Calvin, whose birth and labors are being commemorated by the Calvinistic world during 1959, made original contributions not only to theology but also to the realm of culture. As a matter of fact, he produced a theology of culture, anticipating Tillich by these four hundred years.1 It is my purpose in this article to indicate something […]
THE REAL PROBLEM OF INSPIRATION Since the church’s doctrine of an infallibly inspired Scripture is taught by the Scriptures themselves,1 the real problem of inspiration becomes that of the credibility of the Bible. This was the conclusion to which Warfield led us in our first article. TIle rejection of the New Testament doctrine of inspiration, therefore, constitutes the […]
Since this collected works of Benjamin Warfield are not readily accessible to all of our Reformed people, it is a pleasure to announce the appearance of a new anthology, or selections, of Warfield’s most famous theological studies under the title: Biblical Foundations. In this volume the erstwhile professor of polemical theology at Princeton is presented in […]
From the city of The Angels the voice of Dr. James Daane has been emitting warning signals intermittently concerning the state of the Church. Dr. Daane does not hide his hopes and fears. They are of such a nature that he has no peace but must needs cry out, However, this watchman upon the walls of […]
Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls F. F. BRUCE (Published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1956, 144 pages, Price $2.50) Hot on the heels of the Israeli Army invading the Sinai peninsula last year was a group of Jewish scholars who risked the trip to search out the location of Mt. […]
General Revelation G. C. BERKOUWER (Wm. B.Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapid., Mich. 1955) “There is no more significant question in the whole of theology and in the whole of human life than that of the nature and reality of revelation” (p. 17). Thus does Professor Berkouwer close his opening chapter in this volume entitled General Revelation, the […]