“New” Views of Scripture

Recently we received two booklets written by Reformed scholars in the Netherlands. They arc part of a new series, called “Cahiers voor de gemeente.” Their purpose is to explain topical theological problems to interested “laymen,” The first two booklets deal with the doctrine of Scripture. Dr. J. L. Koole. Professor of O.T. in the seminary at Kampen, writes on […]

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Covenantal Awareness

Admittedly, parental influence played a significant role in developing my sustained interest in the doctrine of the covenant. During the formative years of childhood and youth God in His providence channeled rich blessings into my life through the molding influence of a godly father and mother. Mine was the blessing and privilege of learning to appreciate […]

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The Bible and Non-Inspired ”Sources”

It is well known that the writers of the biblical books sometimes depended for their knowledge of facts on ordinary sources of information, such as public registers, official chronicles and journals, genealogical lists, and other documents. Some of the genealogies and historical data found in the Bible were undoubtedly copied verbatim from such sources. Matthew Henry, […]

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God’s Infallible Word

Below is the text of the address which Dr. Edward J. Young of Westminster Theological Seminary at Philadelphia gave at Oak Glen, Illinois, under the auspices of the Layman’s League of Illiana. This address mentions no names of opponents. However, it does reply to criticism that recently, in a public lecture, was directed at Dr. […]

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Infallible “Only in Matters of Faith and Practice???”

With the matter of inspiration being ardently discussed in the Christian Reformed Church at this time, a rather new note has been struck by the Rev. Leonard Verduin in his article, “The Concept of Infallibility in the Christian Tradition,” which appeared in the November, 1959, issue of The Reformed Journal. Previously. the doubts cast upon plenary […]

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How Can Our Society Meetings Be Improved?

Fall is here again. Vacations are for the most part over. The children are back in school. Our church societies are starting up once again. Enthusiasm usually runs high at this time of year. New officers are at the helm. A new plan of study has been laid down. And everyone is glad to meet again […]

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Infallibility Explored*

PREFACE The following remarks were made before the students of the Junior and Senior Classes of Calvin Theological Seminary, after requests had been received to make some comments on the issue of infallibility. They were reproduced upon request for distribution among the students who desired to have a copy. The original lecture was prefaced with […]

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Warfield’s Conception of Biblical Infallibility II

THE REAL PROBLEM OF INSPIRATION Since the church’s doctrine of an infallibly inspired Scripture is taught by the Scriptures themselves,1 the real problem of inspiration becomes that of the credibility of the Bible. This was the conclusion to which Warfield led us in our first article. TIle rejection of the New Testament doctrine of inspiration, therefore, constitutes the […]

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Warfield’s Conception of Biblical Infallibility I*

Since this collected works of Benjamin Warfield are not readily accessible to all of our Reformed people, it is a pleasure to announce the appearance of a new anthology, or selections, of Warfield’s most famous theological studies under the title: Biblical Foundations. In this volume the erstwhile professor of polemical theology at Princeton is presented in […]

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