The torch may have indeed been passed to a new generation, but the light has gone out on the social and moral issues that are the heart of our nation. “We are the children of the modern age.” said Vice President-elect Al Gore on election night. Who are these “children” now poised to take over […]
In fiction, James Bond was given a license to kill by the British government. In reality, the Dutch government, which should know better because of its experience with the occupying Nazis, recently gave physicians their own license to kill. The Dutch parliament, in a 91–45 vote, set supposedly strict conditions under which doctors may now […]
A meeting was held recently in New York City that could have profound implications for journalists and journalism. The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convened to urge the nation‘s major media heavies to hire more homosexual reporters. The function was underwritten by a $40,000 grant from The New York Times. Dan Rather of CBS, […]
A federal appeals court, made up of liberal judges appointed by Jimmy Carter, has ruled that the military ban on homosexuals is based on prejudice and serves no legitimate purpose. The court compared the military’s position, that homosexuals threaten unit cohesiveness and undermine morale and discipline, to segregation once practiced by the armed forces. It […]
At a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, February 3, Mother Teresa of Calcutta delivered the most startling and bold proclamation of truth to power I have heard in my more than 30 professional years in Washington. Before an audience of 3,000—that included the President and his wife, the Vice President and his wife and congressional […]
It is too early to call it a trend and much too soon to can it the beginnings of a revival, so let’s call it a stirring. Something is stirring in the culture. Liberals who once celebrated a type of philosophical anarchy founded on the principle that objective truth does not exist are now beginning […]
The Clinton Administration’s tireless effort to import the abortion pill known as RU 486 into the United States provides additional evidence that when the President promised to make abortions “rare,” he was not telling the truth. Once America celebrated life-enhancing discoveries by men such as Jonas Salk and […]
The decision by a Michigan jury to acquit Dr. Jack Kevorkian of a criminal charge that he helped a 30-year-old man kill himself erases an important line between life and death that will not easily be redrawn. The jury ignored Michigan’s law banning assisted suicide and played a semantical game when it concluded there is […]
The attack by what I’ve called the Pagan Left has begun against what they call the Religious Right. Michael Kinsley wrote in the New York Times that if Christians can’t stand the heat of criticism, they should get back in the church pews. They can’t have it both […]
A federal panel of experts has recommended that the government’s 15year-old ban against all research on human embryos be lifted, because fertilized eggs do not have the “same moral status as infants and children.” This is just the latest assault on the uniqueness, dignity and value of the human species. […]