After Four and a Half Years – A Decision

When the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church met in June of this year at the Knollcrest Campus of Calvin College there were many very important items on the Agenda. But the matter which caused the most concern and attracted the most attention was the doctrinal issue raised by the writings of Prof. Harold Dekker in the […]

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THE LOVE OF GOD The love of God is a very popular subject today. And there is all kind of reason that this should be so, In most instances we find a discussion about the love of God manifested to his creatures, the love of God for all mankind and for his people in particular. And […]

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THE LONG WEEKEND? The Christian Labor Herald (February, 1967) presented an interesting report entitled “Holidays On Monday.” It stated that the members of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States were polled as to whether or nGt they would favor the observance of Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Veteran’s Day and Washington’s birthday on Monday. The purpose […]

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The Editor’s Page

Change is the order of our day. In his introduction to some modem theologians William C. Fletcher aptly describes our situation. “Society seems to be running wild. Changes are taking place so rapidly that from one year to the next there seems to be almost no continuity. All is change, all is headlong, pell-mell rush, […]

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Reform is Not Stifled by Creedal Commitment

A one-sided discussion has been going on in a neighboring journal for some months, and I have been itching to get in on it. I refer to the articles by Fred Baker and Lewis Smedes in recent issues of The Reformed Journal (October, ‘65, and January, ‘66), dealing with the propriety and morality of the Form […]

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Peter H. Eldersveld (1911-1965)

October 14, 1965, marked the passing of the Reverend Dr. Peter Eldersveld, radio minister of the Christian Reformed Church. Reverend Eldersveld had held that post since his Synodical appointment in 1946. His passing was an untold personal loss to his faithful wife and devoted family, to his aged mother and surviving brothers and sisters, and to […]

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Agenda, Christian Reformed Synod, 1965

It goes without saying that these comments do not purport to be anything like an exhaustive study of the Agenda of the synod of the Christian Reformed Church scheduled for June of this year. All that is intended is the making of a preliminary appraisal of a select number of the salient features of the […]

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An Aroused Laity

The March 1965 issue of the popular Missionary Monthly contains a courageous editorial entitled “The Widening Gulf Between the Pulpit and the Pew.” Its author, the Reverend G. De Witt, finds that gulf in Protestant churches in general and in his own denomination, the Reformed Church in America, in particular. “The pew” is said to distrust “the pulpit” because […]

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A Stranger Comes to the Inner City

“A cry from the North, from the West and from the South Whence thousands travel daily to the timekept city; Where My Word is unspoken, In the land of lobelias and tennis flannels The rabbit shall burrow and the thorn revisit, The nettle shall flourish on the gravel court, And the wind shall say: ‘Here […]

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