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Fundraising Projects in Our Societies

It is probably safe to assume that all of the women’s groups in our churches—whether they are called guilds, ladies’ aids, or circles—have as their primary purpose the study of the Bible. But there is not the same degree of unanimity in the matter of obtaining money by means other than the offerings at the meetings. Some […]

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Comparing Our Country with the Netherlands

One of our Christian teachers, who taught in Holland for a season as a Fulbright scholar, compares especially its system of education with our own. In these days we are urged on every hand to develop a tolerance and an understanding of peoples, na­tionalities, and races, in order that we may attain to world peace. Among […]

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Those Five Talents. . .

When Jesus wanted to teach his disciples a lesson on the use of gifts bestowed on men by their heavenly Father, he told the story of the talents. When a rich nobleman went on a journey, he entrusted his property to his servants. To one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, each […]

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Christian Freedom

A young teacher in India—a Hindu—was quietly telling some young missionaries that he would choose Communism for his people. Regardless of what was said, he maintained that that was his choice, and anyone who saw him then, knew that he meant what he said. His people and he had come from the lowest class in […]

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My Pagan Neighbors Prayed for Me

Late one afternoon in April found me sitting on the front door stoop of our U-shaped flat in Colombo, Ceylon, which housed nine families. I was out to get whatever evening breezes would come my way from the Indian Ocean after an exceptionally hot and humid day. Exactly twenty feet across from me was an identical stoop […]

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“I Am So Ignorant!”

“I am so ignorant, I can’t stand it.” How old do you think the person was who said this? Was she your or my age? Why do you think she might have been someone your or my age? Is it not because we realize increasingly that we could be far beyond where we are in knowledge, […]

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Elect Ladies

The title of this article is suggested by II John, verse 1, “The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in truth; and not I only, but also all they that know the truth.” Bible scholars are not agreed as to whether these words were directed to a certain lady, or whether […]

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A New Year’s Experience in Ceylon

One New Year’s morning shall never forget. I had attended a church service, conducted by my husband, in one of our churches centered in the hospital district of Colombo, Ceylon. After service my husband had gone sick-visiting in the general hospital near by. Tired of waiting in the car I made my way to the busy intersection, passing […]

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1958…A Threat and a Challenge

The holly and tinsel of Christmas have been removed and we have set our houses in order once more. A New Year has begun, bringing an unusually large package of questions and probabilities which we now have time to think about. The Old Year slowly wrapped its purple shawl around its shoulders and silently slipped into […]

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Give the Teacher a Chance!

The Sputniks are compelling America to engage in self-examination. Why did we lose the rocket race? Senators and representatives are busy asking questions and hurling accusations. Our public school system is also under question. Russian schools are better, we are frankly told. Why? According to a report by Marion B. Folsom, Secretary of Health, Education, and […]

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