According to the April 30th issue of U.S. News & World Report, “the new U.S.–Russian treaty on strategic–arms limitation—SALT—has been all but formally settled . . . SALT II will go beyond the first strategic–arms agreement by putting firmer ceilings on the numbers of intercontinental missiles, bombers and warheads the two super-powers can have.” The American […]

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THE PARADOX OF HUMAN GOVERNMENT Human government is God-ordained. Scripture says: “There is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God” (Rom. 13:1). Therefore we are in duty bound to honor the civil magistrate (I Peter 2:17), to pray for him (I Tim. 2:1,2), and to pay our taxes (Rom. 13:6, 7). It […]

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The Laborers are Few

From various parts of the world the cry is heard that the demand for candidates for the ministry and for the missions far exceeds the supply. The Rev. James Munn, Foreign Mission convener, reported to the Church of Scotland at its most recent General Assembly, “What seems to be most lacking, abroad as much as at […]

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In our previous article we reviewed the three main streams of theological opinion which are found in the Reformed Church of Hungary. These are the fundamentalists, the Calvinists and the Barthians. Now we shall investigate how these various groups worked within the church through their several organizations. This will enable us to understand better how […]

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Infiltration: A Method which Catholics and Communists both use. There are in the world today two movements which on the one hand are diametrically opposed to one another, but which on the other hand copy each other’s methods and admire each other’s organization and success. They are International Communism and the Roman Catholic Church. Cardinal D’Alston, […]

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Why the Thunderings on the Right?

During and since Barry Goldwater’s unsuccessful run for the Presidency much has been said and written about extremism, especially extremism on the so-called “right.” Much of this commentary has been in the form of sharply adverse criticism. Not a little of this commentary has itself been extreme, though often couched in impeccable academic language with its […]

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Pointed Paragraphs

ALL TO MAKE MONEY! It certainly does not speak well for the corporate conscience of a nation when relatively little indignation is expressed over what happened at Daytona Beach, Florida, last Easter weekend. The shameful scenes witnessed by other Florida communities in previous years apparently had no deterrent effect on the Daytona Beach business men […]

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The Message of the Unknown Freedom Fighter

“Be not afraid but speak, and hold not thy peace.” Acts 18:9 When during World War I the first Negro soldier arrived at the Western Front and when Lenin, father of Bolshevik Communism, ascended the Czar’s throne, a new chapter opened in the history of Europe. The Age of Europe was closed. Everywhere colonies became independent and […]

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Book Reviews

Communism, Democracy and Catholic Power, by Paul Blanshard. Published by Beacon Press, Boston, Mass. 340 pp. This is a valuable book. Its argument is well documented, and the notes reflect wide sources of information. Written by the well-known author of American Freedom and Catholic Power (reviewed in a previous issue of Torch and Trumpet), the book gains […]

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