Some months ago, not long after his eightieth birthday, the Lord took to himself one of his dear children. The death of Professor R. B. Kuiper on April 22 of this year has been noted earlier in this magazine. Now, however, we who were close to him in Reformed Fellowship Inc. and learned to love and […]
Let’s state at the beginning that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. Then many questions raised when evolution is discussed are automatically settled. For example, the believer of an infallible Bible knows that man has a soul and that animals do not. He also knows the first woman was derived from the body of […]
This is a monograph of thirty-nine pages, constituting part of “An International Library of Philosophy and Theology” (Biblical and Theological Series ) and published in 1964 by the Presbyterian and Reformed Publish. ing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. The writer is the well-known Philip Edgcumbe Hughes. He is introduced as an Anglican clergyman and as the editor of […]
Attacks too numerous to be mentioned have been leveled against the Holy Scriptures, especially in our day. While claiming to have high regard for the Bible as a source for lofty ethical and religious principles, many people reject as totally indefensible the historic Christian conviction that this book is reliable because it has been verbally inspired […]
The Twilight Evolution by HENRY M. MORRIS, Baker Book House; 1963, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 103 pages, price $2.95 This little book, published under the auspices of !he Reformed Fellowship, is an excellent analysis of the contemporary situation with respect to evolutionary thought. In six compact chapters, Morris develops the thesis set forth in his title. […]
During the past few years New Testament scholars have given the interested reader some worthwhile books on the origin and background of the canonical Gospels.1 In these books questions concerning the setting and circumstances in which the Gospels were formed, problems pertaining to the Gospel tradition, and inquiries relating to the modem investigation called Form […]
The Bible and Archaeology J.A. THOMPSON Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, MI, 1962, 438 pp., $5.95. Of the many publications in the general area of archaeology and the Bible this is one of the better. It is a revised edition of a single-volume version of three earlier works on Biblical archaeology issued by […]
Little things mean a lot. Have you been taught that by your parents? I hope you have. Little things like an encouraging word, an offering of congratulations, stepping out to help someone without being asked or noticed. If a family practices this, it’s generally a happy family. The same can be said of a neighborhood, […]
We are concerned in this series of articles with the problem of Reformed apologetics. In the first three articles we discussed the general nature of Reformed apologetics. Its method, we saw, is radically different from that of Romanist-evangelical apologetics. The latter starts from the presupposition that man has a measure of ultimacy or autonomy. This […]
“When the fulness of the time came, God sent forth his Son.” Galatians 4:4 This text is full of Christmas. And the Christian’s celebration of Christmas should be filled with this text The tremendous fact of Christmas is that God sent forth his Son. That is what Christmas means. It began with God, as all of […]