The storm which struck Holland on the night of January 31 had lethal power in its lungs. It was as a million demons started blowing at the dikes and succeeded in cracking them. One hideous drama after another trickles in to Dutch tea conversation as evacuees spread through the country: houses whose attics were packed with women and babies and […]
It would not be surprising if, at sight of this word antithesis, the reader would feel a touch of nausea rising up in him. With some misgivings, if not actual resentment, he may have observed that Torch and Trumpet goes in heavily for this thing called the antithesis. Either the word by itself or the two-camp idea […]
“And the man called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living” (Gen. 3:20). Adam, Isshah, and Havvah1 With God’s scorching maledictions still fresh in his ears, Adam turned to his partner in crime and—strange behavior for a man so struck by God’s lightning—re-christened her. And the new name—did it show her to be […]
A beaming father thrust a Bible into the hands of his son and said, “Son, I have bought you a Bible and, so that you won’t get lost in it, I have underlined all the Arminian passages.” Among the passages underlined, I have no doubt, was this one: “Behold I stand at the door and knock: […]
Hebrews 6:4–6, long considered a very difficult passage, is explained carefully and interestingly by John Vriend, graduate student at the University of Michigan. The burden of this exposition is that those who are within the territory of the Covenant and thus under the discipline of preaching and sacrament ought to “give the more earnest heed […]
A great, green wave of Dutch immigration has hit the province of Ontario, splashed over into the rolling prairies of Alberta. and flattened out into the barbaric back-reaches of British Columbia. This wave came in 1951, and in 1950, and in 1919 and in 1948; each time the splash was bigger than any preceding one. Thousands […]
“The Triple Anointing” was delivered as a speech at a recent Rally of the combined Young People’s Societies of central British Columbia. There is a proverb, a Spanish proverb, I believe, which reads: “Out of ideas, actions are born; out of actions, habits are born; and out of habits, destinies are born.” We Christians know that our […]
Chrislus en Cultuur, by Dr. K. Schilder, Published by T. Wever, Franeker, 1948. 119 pages. A Difficult Problem There are as many cultural credos. Almost, as there life men in this world. Even we Christians are at sea We differ both as to the person of Christ and as to culture. But especially this last […]