Devotional Studies in Ephesians “…in whom, having also believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is an earnest of our inheritance…” Ephesians 1:13, 14 Twice in this epistle Paul speaks of believers as “sealed” (cf. 4,30). A similar statement appears in II Corinthians 1:21, 22. In legal documents the seal is placed […]
There is a sense in which every church should be a community church. No church, or congregation. should be isolated from the community in which it exists. Every church should be a city “set on a hill” whose light cannot be hid. It should reach out into the community to bring the message of redemption to those […]
A question that is on the lips of people today everywhere in the world is this: Will man succeed in reaching the moon; and if he does, will he make it possible for himself to remain for some time or indefinitely on its atmosphere-less surface? Perhaps there is no one who has a sure answer to […]
The title of this article is suggested by II John, verse 1, “The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in truth; and not I only, but also all they that know the truth.” Bible scholars are not agreed as to whether these words were directed to a certain lady, or whether […]
The term “conservative” when employed theologically is frequently applied to a certain type of thinking which bases itself upon the Bible as the Word of God. and which holds to most of the “fundamentals” of the faith historically taught by the Christian Church. From the point of view of one who is interested in maintaining an orthodox […]
Pay a Girl Friend’s Church Collection? Question: Is it correct for a young man to give his friend collection when he is taking her to church? Also, is it correct for him to give her collection when going to a program where admission is not charged, but a collection is taken for a cause? This […]
In the Centennial Year of the Christian Reformed Church much has been written about missions. Much of what was written was critical. Much of it claimed to bring new ideas. The critical approach need not be accepted, or rejected, just because it is critical. Neither need the new ideas be adopted, or ignored, just because they […]
From the city of The Angels the voice of Dr. James Daane has been emitting warning signals intermittently concerning the state of the Church. Dr. Daane does not hide his hopes and fears. They are of such a nature that he has no peace but must needs cry out, However, this watchman upon the walls of […]
At this point in our analysis of Dr. Daane’s concept of Divine sovereignty it is well for us to pause and review the conclusions which we have reached to date. We have shown that this idea of unactualized possibilities in the counsel of God is an idea which is without foundation in Scripture or creed; […]
by R. Bradley Jones Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. $1.75 Gold from Golgotha is a reprint containing a series of sermons on the seven utterances of Christ on the cross. The Christian reader will be happy to find throughout the book the author’s clear testimony to his acceptance of the doctrine of inspiration, and of the […]