How can someone be happy in trouble? The first Thanksgiving Day was a time of praise to almighty God in the midst of great trouble. Nearly three-fourths of the original group that landed at Plymouth had died. The weather had been cruel. In a time of deep adversity, the God-fearing people came together to give […]
The September 1992 issue of Perspectives caught my eye. Its focus was on child sexual abuse, which seems to be a growing epidemic in our sexually distorted culture. The article by Kathi Carino was of particular interest because her story so closely parallels that of two young ladies I know. I’ll let Kathi tell her […]
This article is a satire on methods of biblical interpretation being used to justify obvious sin. The Editors In all of the discussion in Reformed circles about the role of women in modem society, one topic has been sadly neglected. This topic relates to a profession occupied by women for centuries, but for which their […]
Remember last time we talked about life—when it begins and what it means? We also talked about man’s definition of life from the dictionary and God’s definition of life from the Bible. Did you look up the Bible passage at the end of the previous article? Hope so. It was Psalm 139:13: “For You (God) created […]
Prayer is the greatest subject of spirituality in the Bible. It deals with our communication with God and how God and His plan, purpose, power and priority can be known in our lives and circumstances. But where did the idea of prayer come from? And how does the origin of prayer affect the way we […]
If you have noticed lately that the US Congress has been paying a great deal of attention to family issues, it isn’t just because of better media coverage. Today the headlines are just as likely to tell of Congressional debate over single parenthood, adoption and abortion, homosexual rights and parental consent for medical services as […]
Key Verses: “Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation.” 1 Peter 2:11–12 With his address […]
Key Verse: “For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.” 1 Peter 2:15 Advertising by means of a respectful lifestyle In our previous lesson, we learned that the apostle Peter introduced a new section of his letter with a general exhortation that believers must abstain […]
A meeting was held recently in New York City that could have profound implications for journalists and journalism. The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convened to urge the nation‘s major media heavies to hire more homosexual reporters. The function was underwritten by a $40,000 grant from The New York Times. Dan Rather of CBS, […]
Democracy is one of those magical words in North American culture. It evokes strong feelings of confidence and pride. It is associated with patriotism and freedom and the rights of the individuaL It speaks of some of the best and noblest dimensions of our society. But Christians know that magical words must always be somewhat […]