We are honored to have Charles Donovan from the Family Research Council write a series of articles for The Outlook. Not only is Mr. Donovan an eminently qualified expert in the field of family values, but he and the Council represents form a crucial link between the American family and policymakers in the United States […]
When the subject of family values is raised, polls show that most people respond by citing “Golden Rule” ethics rather than political issues. A survey by the MassMutual Life Insurance Company a few years ago demonstrated that most Americans think of family values in terms of mutual support and give-and-take, not in terms of social […]
If you have noticed lately that the US Congress has been paying a great deal of attention to family issues, it isn’t just because of better media coverage. Today the headlines are just as likely to tell of Congressional debate over single parenthood, adoption and abortion, homosexual rights and parental consent for medical services as […]