Letters to an Old Friend…

Dear John: You want my views about the subject now under discussion in our beloved TORCH AND TRUMPET? I have tried to outline a few of them in this letter. Whether I have succeeded in sketching, so to say, my bargaining position in such a cramped space is a question you will have to answer. For […]

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Living the Covenant Life in Our Families

QUlTE generally men throughout the ages have conceded the fundamental importance of the home for human life. Although perhaps more widespread and conscious in Christian lands, this emphasis has by no means been limited to those countries which have traditionalIy been exposed the gospel of God’s grace in Christ’s Jesus. Even those who do not […]

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God’s Freemen

REFORMED piety is a free piety. This we stated explicitly in our first article. (Volume I, No.4). But since then we have developed two other characteristics of Reformed piety. characteristics also mentioned in the first article. In the first place we were quite emphatic about it that true piety is a piety of law of recognition of the […]

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Sex Morality for Soliders

In this concluding article in the series: God and the War, it is my intention to deal specifically with one very real aspect of the soldier’s life. This is something to which the government itself gives a large measure of attention and time. While the soldier is in training it is required that he shall be indoctrinated regularly (at […]

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Christianity Without the Cross

By THE REV. J. G. VOS, Th.M. VI. Christianity Without the Cross NOTE: This is the sixth of a series of articles on common contemporary viewpoints which are contrary to orthodox Christianity. The Substitutionary Atonement of Christ “The Lord Jesus, by His perfect obedience and sacrifice of Himself, which He through the eternal Spirit once offered […]

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“Out of the Heart…”

The Pharisees were angry. The disciples were afraid. After all, they were identified with Jesus of Nazareth, they followed him and loved him and everyone knew it. But now he has deliberately offended Israel’s most important people. “Ye hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, This people honor me with their lips; but their heart […]

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The Case for Canada

A great, green wave of Dutch immigration has hit the province of Ontario, splashed over into the rolling prairies of Alberta. and flattened out into the barbaric back-reaches of British Columbia. This wave came in 1951, and in 1950, and in 1919 and in 1948; each time the splash was bigger than any preceding one. Thousands […]

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The Fullness of Time

“When the fulness of the time came, God sent forth his Son.”  Galatians 4:4 This text is full of Christmas. And the Christian’s celebration of Christmas should be filled with this text The tremendous fact of Christmas is that God sent forth his Son. That is what Christmas means. It began with God, as all of […]

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