Letters to the Editor

BIBLICAL CRITICISM AT CALVIN Dear Editor: Lately, quite a bit of attention in The Outlook has been given to what is being taught at Calvin College. Since I have recently taken a course there that dealt with the women-in-church office issue that disturbed me somewhat, and was representative of the other religion and theology classes […]

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1969 Agenda Synod

ISN’T IT TIME TO ALLOW LODGE MEMBERS INTO THE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH? The rumor has been around for a while that some people in the Christian Reformed Church were quite dissatisfied with the current position as to the essential incompatibility of membership in oath-hound, secret societies and membership in the church. In short, that position […]

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The Frustration of Protest

Taking its cue from the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of Calvin College and Seminary, Synod 1968 adopted the following recommendation: “That Synod take note of the fact that our consistories and people are being subjected to illicit and undermining propaganda regarding Calvin College and Seminary, that it deplores this practice and calls […]

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1968 Agenda Synod

THE LITURGICAL COMMITTEE REPORT (1968 Agenda, pp. 8–2) One of the lengthier reports in this year’s Agenda is the Liturgical Committee Report. It covers 64 pages in the Agenda for 1968. Historically, the Christian Reformed Church has not accepted a uniform liturgy to be followed by alt our churches. The Committee relates the previous efforts […]

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McCLELLAN In Bruce Catton’s fascinating civil war histories (This Hallowed Ground and Mr. Lincoln’s Army) a general who gets an unusual amount of attention is George B. McClellan. A good administrator who knew how to dramatize army service and to inspire loyalty in his men, he seemed to have everything that was needed to make […]

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The Curriculum of a Christian Liberal Arts College

Introduction Calvin College is in a period of transformation as evidenced by three major developments: a new campus, a graduate study committee, and a curriculum study committee. This article deals with the Curriculum Report, entitled Christian Liberal Arts Education, an attempt to express the essence of Christian higher education. The work of the Committee has already […]

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Victory Celebration Through Christian Art

Hallelujah Jehovah! Sing for Jehovah a new song! In (your) congregation of faithful believers, sing about God’s glory! Let God’s people enjoy themselves with their Creator; Let the sons of Zion exult before their King! They should hallelujah Jehovah’s name with dancing. They should serenade the Lord with harp and kettle drums, For Jehovah likes watching his […]

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A Report on Synod 1963

Here follows a m0re or less detailed report on the debates and actions of the Synod of 1963 of the Christian Reformed Church. Members of the Editorial Committee of the magazine have tried to cover the discussions on the more important matters before synod. Many things are not dealt with. But we hope we have covered the more significant […]

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“Candle Power”

If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light. Luke 11:36 Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees, Calvin Seminary Faculty, Calvin Alumni Association, and Fellow Students: Welcome to the new academic year […]

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editors: I am writing in response to an article which was written in The Outlook reviewing the new Calvin College governance policies adopted by synod. As chairman of the Governance Committee and also a member of the calvin College Board of Trustees, I feel I must respond to the inaccuracies and the anti-Calvin slanted […]

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