A Bored Denomination

Hi! My name is Aver Age Churchman. I am a member of the Christian Reformed denomination. I went to church twice last Sunday. I must confess that I was rather bored. I do not know what it was, but it bothers me. Come to think of it, I have been bored for some time now. […]

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Counting the Cost

It was time for a new car. The old rusted out gas guzzler had to go. My wife and I started shopping. We had set our expectations of the car we would buy. It had to be well built, within our price range, get forty miles to a gallon on the highway, and have a […]

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Letters to the Editor

BIBLICAL CRITICISM AT CALVIN Dear Editor: Lately, quite a bit of attention in The Outlook has been given to what is being taught at Calvin College. Since I have recently taken a course there that dealt with the women-in-church office issue that disturbed me somewhat, and was representative of the other religion and theology classes […]

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The Legacy of John Lennon

Romans 1:28 On December 8, John Lennon was murdered. That caused a considerable reaction in many people in the U.S. and throughout the world. The major networks devoted much time to him and his past life on the evening following his death. One person stated that no other event had so much coverage since the […]

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