The last time we traced some revolutionary trends in society and other denominations. Also our Christian Reformed Church and our Christian organizations are not immune to the revolution epidemic. A controversial book – Recently a highly controversial book, Out of Concern for the Church, was published in Canada. It contains five essays by key figures […]
When it comes to a youth group in the church, what we all want is a responsive group. I mean a youth group that discusses and responds enthusiastically. Most youth leaders that I have talked with have this complaint more than any other; the young people do not discuss. They are generally respectful and reverent, […]
Some churchmen – have little or no regard for the articulation of doctrine. The climate of many large denominations is non-theological. There is an accommodation to the mores and culture of our age. The church has become an integral part of the North American way of life—just like apple pie and ice cream. Many churches […]
Experience is supposed to be the best teacher. However, at times it also may be the worst. It is my conviction, corroborated by some observation, that the latter is true concerning those who insist they have the gift of speaking in tongues today. But where do we get by setting my experience of not speaking […]
SPEAKING IN TONGUES Editor of THE OUTLOOK: The articles and editorials appearing in THE OUTLOOK on speaking in tongues, with the solicitations for comment, incite one to make an observation. The miracle wrought by God on that Pentecost day was analyzed squarely by Peter. He resorted to Scripture for the answer. God’s Word is its […]
THE SPIRIT OF THE REFORMED TRADITION, by M. Eugene Osterhaven. Published by Wm. D. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1971, 190 pages; $3.45. Reviewed by Rev. Fred Van Houten, pastor of the Ninth Street Christian Reformed Church of Holland, Michigan. In unequivocal language the author of this excellent book claims that the essence of […]
Finally the report appeared. Synod decided in 1968: “To assure the Fruitland consistory that Synod has full confidence that the professors of theology at Calvin Seminary will carefully study all new developments in theology and evaluate them in the light of Scripture and the creeds, and serve the churches with the results of their research […]
THE SEVEN DAYS OF THE CREATOR II (5) Scripture: Genesis 1:14–2:3 Read also – Psalm 148; Ephesians 4:17–24; Hebrews 4:1–10 In his How the World Began Helmut Thiclicke begins a sermon with these words, A person must certainly be a snob or be “utterly hard-boiled” if he is not moved by these primeval words, if […]
At the request of the board of the Reformed Fellowship, Rev. Peter De Jong of Dutton, Michigan, and Rev. Harry Van Dyken of Toronto (Woodbridge), Ontario have prepared the following preliminary observations on Report 36 (“Nature and Extent of Biblical Authority”). The 1971 Christian Reformed Church Synod decided to “submit the entire report to the […]