Dr. Boer’s attack on traditional Reformed exegesis finds its special application in t he area of predestination, particularly as far as reprobation is concerned. He claims to agree wholeheartedly with the doctrine of election. As he writes: “Excluded from the gravamen are any objections to the doctrine of election. I stand wholly committed to the […]

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Should We Have Female Office-Bearers? I

Louis Praamsma is a retired Christian Reformed minister living in Hamilton, Ontario, after having served a number of pastorates both in the Netherlands and in Canada. He is the author of a life of John Calvin and more recently of a multi-volume Church History (covering a subject which he also taught for a time at […]

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This being the twenty–fifth anniversary issue of THE OUTLOOK (formerly TOJlCH AND TRUMPET) three articles on events and trends in church life during the past twenty-five years are being published at this time. Dr. Louis Praamsma (emeritus) of Hamilton, Ontario, writes on Events and Trends in are Christian Reformed Church in Canada During the Past […]

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Five years ago a book was published in The Netherlands with the sensational title God and ass (God en ezel. Publisher: T. Wever, Francker. 1967 ). It was written by the medical professor of the Free University of Amsterdam, Dr. G. A. Lindeboom, and it contained a fervent protest against the published points of view […]

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In All Honesty

About the authority of the Bible in the Christian Reformed Church. Some years ago I was struck by the term “dishonesty” in a Dutch Reformed (Gereformeerd) church-magazine; the editor used that term to indicate his concern about the fact, that in spite of their personal signature under the subscription-form some of his colleagues publicly deviated […]

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Finally the report appeared. Synod decided in 1968: “To assure the Fruitland consistory that Synod has full confidence that the professors of theology at Calvin Seminary will carefully study all new developments in theology and evaluate them in the light of Scripture and the creeds, and serve the churches with the results of their research […]

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Lest We Forget

It is well that we mark the 350th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims on December 21, 1620. We praise Thee, O God, for Thy guiding hand, in leading Thy church to freedom’s fair land; Through sore persecution our fathers here came, where free and unfettered they worshipped Thy Name. Sore Persecution – We […]

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Voices from South Africa

It is highly regrettable that the theological contact between the Reformed Churches of South-Africa and the other member-churches of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod is only fragmentary and scarce. The first word which rises before the mind of many in connection with South-Africa is the word “apartheid,” and often it is also the last word, a […]

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What is “Liberalism”?

Although everyone seems to know what “liberalism” is, a definition which covers all the representations and representatives of this kind of religious thinking seems to be an impossibility. Liberalism has been compared, therefore, with the proverbial chameleon whose color changes according to its environment. In an interview with Dr. H. M. Kuitert and Dr. D. […]

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