From one of our readers (Mr. P. H. Vander Werff, Thamesford, Ontario) we received the following interesting letter on how evolution can lead astray those who follow its principles: Out of “Echoes from Holland” (The Banner, May 11. ’73, p. 11) one would get the impression that Dr. Kuitert does not teach evolution. This is a […]

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News from Canada: Baptismal Form

The Consistory of tile Williamsburg Christian Reformed Church overtures the Synod 1974 not to adopt the provisional Form for the Baptism of Children for permanent use in the Christian Reformed Church in its present reading on the following grounds: 1. In the closing paragraph of the Institution the words, “all those brought into fellowship with […]

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The Second Worship Service

The Synodical Liturgical Committee submitted a “Second Sunday Service” report to Synod 1973 (Acts, pp. 502–513). Synod had not instructed the committee to make a report on that subject, but requests came in; and so the committee decided to make a report. This is an “irregular” procedure. No less irregular is the report itself. LITURGICAL […]

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News from Canada

Dear Reformed Fellowship friends: We have heard much praise in Canada about the latest issues of THE OUTLOOK. So many additional copies were ordered that the entire stock was depleted. At a recent Board meeting in Grand Rapids (February 28) the Business Committee reported that 5,000 copies of the March issue were being printed due […]

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Baarda in Canada

Rev. Leonard T. Schalkwyk is pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of St. Thomas, Ontario. His article, “Baarda in Canada” was delivered as an address at the Canadian Reformed Fellowship meeting held in Toronto on September 16, 1972. On September 11, 1972 Professor Dr. T. Baarda of the Free University of Amsterdam spoke to […]

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Following is the address delivered by Rev. Leonard T. Schalkwyk at the annual meeting of the Reformed Fellowship in September 1971. Rev. Schalkwyk is pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of St. Thomas, Ontario. The assignment given to me has two aspects: the first part of the title brings us to The Netherlands, the second […]

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The Revolution is Now! (2)

The last time we traced some revolutionary trends in society and other denominations. Also our Christian Reformed Church and our Christian organizations are not immune to the revolution epidemic. A controversial book – Recently a highly controversial book, Out of Concern for the Church, was published in Canada. It contains five essays by key figures […]

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Resume of Synod 1971

Following is a digest of the decisions of Synod 1971. Meetings began on Tuesday morning, June 8, and continued until almost midnight on Friday, June 18. THE OUTLOOK appreciates the kindness of Leonard T. Schalkwyk, pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of St. Thomas, Ontario, and a synodical delegate from Classis Chatham, in preparing this […]

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In Defense of the Bible

Review of Interpreting God’s Word Today; Edited by Dr. Simon Kistemaker; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan; 313 pages; $6.95. (See offer in this issue of new or gift subscription to THE CHRISTIAN REFORMED OUTLOOK with copy of this book, both for $7.00.) Rev. Leonard T . Scholkwyk is a Christian Reformed Church minister serving […]

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