We received for review a book written by a minister of the Christian Reformed Church in Canada, the Reverend Harry L. Downs of Dresden, Ontario.
It is called: The Distinction between Power Word and Text –Word in Recent Reformed Thought: the view of Scripture set forth by some representatives of the philosophy of the Law-Idea. Dr. Norman Shepherd wrote a Foreword.
The subject matter of this book was submitted to the faculty of Calvin Theological Seminary as part of the requirements for the degree of Master of Theology. Mentor was Dr. Fred Klooster. Others who helped the author by evaluating the book and giving their critical assistance, are professors Anthony Hoekema and Henry Zwaanstra; also Dr. Paul Schrotenboer, Dr. Gordon Spykman, Rev. Martin Geleynse, Rev. Peter De Jong, and Rev. Ralph Koops.
1 think this helped the author to take a mature, friendly, and balanced approach. In the end he has to reject the “Word”(s) idea of the AACS, but he does so only after thorough historical, philosophical, and doctrinal investigation. This is a very scholarly work of 144 pages filled with relevant information and an abundance of titles of books and articles published on the subject. It is resource book of lasting value. The price of the book is $3.50. Published by the Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Nutley, New Jersey 07110.
P.S. Canadian readers: Please order from a Christian bookstore in your vidciity or write to Box 271, St. Thomas, Ontario.