CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS AND CHRISTIAN MISSIONS Is the Christian day school a selfish institution, that is, an enterprise purely for local benefit? When we give our dollars to this cause, are we merely “doing something for ourselves”? Shouldn’t the church be more interested in doing things “for others,” especially for the teeming millions seemingly bound for everlasting […]
Our national holiday of Thanksgiving is almost exclusively regarded as a day of rejoicing. It is on this day that we remind ourselves of the material gifts which we have received. We often boast of the fact that the United States is the most prosperous nation on the globe. We seem to have the idea that […]
That is the question we face in the coming national election. The question is not so much that of Senator Kennedy’s personal views. We find much in his statements on the relation of church and state that is reassuring. The question is not one of Senator Kennedy’s personal religion. We agree that it is bigotry […]
What follows is the substance of an address delivered by Prof. R.B. Kuiper before the mid-western section of the Evangelical Theological Society on April 1, 1960. The theme of the conference was Scriptural Infallibility. My subject is the tried and true maxim Principiis Obsta!—that is, being translated, Withstand Beginnings! “Beginnings of what?” you ask. In answering […]
The foreign mission work of the Christian Reformed Church is booming. An effort of some 150 workers, financed by an annual operating budget of 1 1/4 million dollars in ten different parts of the world calIs for thanksgiving that the Lord has so prospered the work. Yet some of us who have had to be in […]
In Cuba the revolution has produced a society out of joint and drifting away from democratic principles. The neighboring island of Puerto Rico has experienced under tutelage of the United States increasing stability and prosperity. Many material advantages have been gained by its inhabitants during the past decade. Not a few, however, are expressing dissatisfaction with the […]
The judgment is coming closer. It began in far-off Damascus. It has circled about Israel (consult a map). The whole surrounding heathen world is on fire. The thunder-claps are becoming louder. Now it strikes Judah! God’s covenant people! Jerusalem, where his Name would dwell forever I Israel has listened with increasing interest to this prophet. […]
The previous verses have given reason enough why the judgment should fall on Israel as well as on the surrounding nations. In the verses 6 through 8 a summary is given of the sins committed in Israel. Amos is sent to prophesy against Israel and, consequently, the remainder of the book will go into detail […]
God’s logic is strange and has troubled people of every generation. Sometimes it does not follow the pattern of our logic at all. His thoughts are very deep. Again, that logic is very simple. A child can often understand it better than the wise. The words which Amos now speaks are meant not only for […]
God employs various means to make his message clear to men. At times he will even use irony, a light sarcasm, to make his word unmistakably clear. We have only to think of Elijah’s words to the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel as an example. Amos uses this method very effectively at times. Amos […]