Let’s Make It Scriptural, Sharp and Simple!

The full authority of Scripture admits of no compromise; it is an item that is non-negotiable. “Thus saith the Lord” is sovereign, settled, and binding throughout the Book—from Genesis through Revelation. This we believe and profess, knowing full well that it is capable of its own defense. “For anyone who by faith accepts the Scriptures […]

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MAY WE BELONG TO THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY? Questions such as this come to n pastor often in the course of a year’s experience. There are an increasing number of organizations and associations open to Christian Reformed people nowadays, and our membership. attendance and contributions are being solicited. Many of us find this a most […]

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THE CREDIBILITY GAP The Bible teaches that Adam and Eve were historical persons, that there was an idyllic state in which there was no death and that there was an historic fall. But now from some Gereformeerde theologians in the Free University of Amsterdam and the theological school in Kampen we hear that there is a […]

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The Christian Reformed Church on Trial

“I don’t know what is wrong with our church, the way it has handled the ‘Dekker matter.’” That remark was recently made to the writer of these lines by a minister in the Christian Reformed Church who has served the denomination well in several churches and in various broader ecclesiastical responsibilities and is still in active service. […]

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The Editor’s Page…

Of all the many issues requiring the attention of the synod of the Christian Reformed Church next month, none will be followed with more intense interest than the report on “doctrinal matters” concerning the nature of God’s love and the design of Christ’s atonement. Not only has this been before for the church officially for […]

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“By these means…”

“By these means” is a title taken from the Belgic Confession, one at the creeds of the Reformed churches. Article XXX of this creed is entitled: “The Government of the Church and its Offices.” This article reads: We believe that this true Church must be governed by that spiritual polity which our Lord has taught us in […]

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Editor’s Response

We should not be deceived by the “softsell” approach of the Neland Avenue overture. The “nuts and bolts” of the overture asks for a change in Church Order Article 3a to open the offices of minister and elder to women—nothing new. To soften the impact of this decision on the conservatives in the church, the […]

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Letter to the Editors

In response to last month’s article by Rev. Daniel Brouwer and with respect to Article 29, the phrase “settled and binding” does not mean that an issue—any issue—is “settled and binding” forever. Any subsequent assembly is free to reconsider a previous decision, revise it (Article 31), or make a new decision which supplants the earlier […]

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Dan Brouwer Responds

OPTION OR OBLIGATION? Article 29 implies that the assemblies have a responsibility to reconsider their decisions when they are legitimately challenged — “they shall be considered settled and binding, unless….” Article 31 assumes this responsibility from Article 29, and then limits it. I think Dr. De Moor and I are in complete agreement thus far. […]

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After many years of struggle over the issue of women in church office, Synod 1994 of the Christian Reformed Church stated unequivocably that it is the clear teaching of Scripture that only men shall occupy the authoritative offices of minister and elder. They buttressed their position with ample evidence from Scripture. And, although there was […]

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