
THE CREDIBILITY GAP The Bible teaches that Adam and Eve were historical persons, that there was an idyllic state in which there was no death and that there was an historic fall. But now from some Gereformeerde theologians in the Free University of Amsterdam and the theological school in Kampen we hear that there is a […]

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Universal Atonement?

Our readers continue to ask questions regarding the position of Professor Harold Dekker and the Doctrinal Report in the Acts of Synod, Christian Reformed, 1966, which the churches are asked to study. For this time I will deal with one of the most crucial aspects of the problem by asking whether or not we mayor should […]

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Towards a Christian Philosophy

Though somewhat late we congratulate the editors of Christelijk Perspectief with their initiative and especially with their first volume. With joy I take note of the fact that this series in the Netherlands will be published under a title which is almost identical to the one of the series of lectures published by the Association for […]

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Reformation-rallies do not make much sense, if they only deal with the past. It is rather easy to give an historical account of the Reformation of 1517 and later years; it is possible to praise the Lord for the great things he has done in former centuries; it is even tempting to rise to ecstasy describing […]

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