The Marks of the Master

“I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.” —Galatians 6:17 If you are at all a people watcher, you will see different people wearing different marks on their bodies. Those marks tell you something about that person. For example, some people wear the mark of nearsightedness; some have on their fingers the mark of […]

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Catching Glimpse of Christian Genocide

Well, it’s that time again—the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. It’s a great time to be in the land of the free and the home of the barbeque grill, jaunts in the mountains, and the migratory flights of four-wheeled vehicles to sun-drenched beaches. Ahhh, this is the life. Yet for millions of my fellow […]

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Crucified Christians: What Your Tax Dollars Buy

It was one of the most horrific instances of religious persecution the modern world has ever seen. During a government crackdown on Egypt’s Coptic Christian community two weeks ago, a thousand Christians were manacled to doors, then beaten and tortured with electric shocks to their genitals. Teenage girls were raped. Even babies were not spared. […]

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Christians facing attacks in the US

Do you have any idea how much you are under attack? If you call yourself a Christian, if you take the Bible seriously, and if you express your Biblical convictions in the public arena then that statement applies to you. Our enlightened culture, as defined and defended by the vast majority of the media and […]

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Blessed Are the Persecuted

Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer recently delivered a speech at St. Anselm College in Bedford, NH, that touched on familiar moral issues I at the center of his campaign. Among other things, Bauer said, “Many…assaults on the Catholic Church and traditional Christian beliefs take sexually explicit forms because, for some on the extreme left, unrestricted […]

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From the first coming of Christ until the day of His return, the kingdom of Satan grows in strength and number. The hostility, opposition, persecution, and hatred of Satan against the Christ and His church grows increasingly horrific in nature. Satan knows that he cannot defeat Christ, and so all of his efforts are directed […]

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“Like apples of gold in settings of silver,” so is a word fitly spoken, according to the book of Proverbs (25:19). Revelation 3:7–13 stands before us like apples of gold in settings of silver, for it provides us with a word of encouragement, a word we desperately need to hear. We have understood the letters […]

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The Praise of the Persecuted Pilgrim

The Apostle Peter’s life was one that we can classify as a life full of the highest highs and the lowest lows. Peter had been given faith enough to call out to Christ to come out of the boat, but he lacked faith when he looked at the troubled wa­ters instead of at the Messiah. […]

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We come, at last, to the end of the great interlude. The great interlude began in 10:1 and now finally concludes in 11:14. The great interlude is set in the midst of the mighty trumpet blasts. We read of the first six trumpet blasts in 8:1–9:21; we read of the seventh trumpet blast in 11:15–19. […]

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