News of the Dutch Churches

The most recent news from the Dutch church scene to make the headlines in the larger news media concerns Pope Paul’s appointment of chaplain Dr. Simonis as the new Roman Catholic bishop of the diocese of Rotterdam. Dr. Simonis is known to be a conservative. The rest of the Roman Catholic leadership in Holland has […]

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Dutch Synod Speaks (2)

The Synod of the Gereformeerde Kerken in The Netherlands (there are two denominations by this name in The Netherlands. The one here referred to is the church of which Professors Berkouwer, Kuitert, Hidderbos et al. are members) was faced with a crticial decision. The question was: What to do with the teachings of one of […]

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Since the year 1880 there exists in The Netherlands an organization called “The Association for Scientific Education on Reformed Basis.” It is this organization which has been the sponsoring and directing agency behind the Free University of Amsterdam. This University never wanted to be a church school in the specific sense of that word. Nevertheless […]

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The Protestant Church in Germany as I Saw it

Many impressions concerning the state of Protestant church life in Germany, received during a one year’s stay at the University of Hamburg, vie for supremacy. In the following lines an attempt will be made to sort out these impressions in order to present a picture of some of the more significant developments in German church […]

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Professor Kuitert and the Dutch Religious Press

This is the second and last of a series of articles which seek to inform the reader about recent Dutch reactions to the writings of Dr. H. M. Kuitert, Professor of Systematic Theology at the Free University of Amsterdam. Professor Kuitert delivered a number of lectures before the Christian Reformed Ministers’ Institute in Grand Rapids […]

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From time to time the readers of this periodical have been informed of recent theological developments in the Netherlands, a country which in the course of time has been used by God for the promotion and development of Reformed theological thinking throughout the world. Since many of om’ readers cannot consult the Dutch periodicals at […]

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A Fresh Look at God’s Covenant with Man

Reformed theology has historically been known for its keen interest in the doctrine of God’s covenant with man. It was the Reformed theologians, more than e.g. the Lutherans or the Roman Catholics, which developed this doctrine on the basis of the Biblical givens. Hence one cannot understand the Reformed faith or lay claim to being Reformed […]

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“He That Cometh”

During the weeks preceding the festival of Christ’s nativity the Christian Church, both in sermon and in song, turns its reverent attention to the ancient prophecies which speak of the One that should come, Advent and Christmas hymns abound in references to Old Testament prophecy. They hail the Babe of Bethlehem as the “Prince of Peace…, […]

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Helpful Progress in the Infallibility Debate

“ISSUES” IN THE CHURCH It is not easy to say which matters on a synodical agenda are more and which are less important. For example, a seemingly unimportant decision made in 1955 concerning a Nigerian Seminary turned out to be the beginning of a major dispute which has not been fully resolved until this present moment. […]

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Reformed Old Testament Scholarship Today

NOTE: This article by Professor Woudstra Is the first of three requested by the editors. These three articles by recognized Old Testament scholars from Calvin Seminary and Westminster Seminary deal with different aspects of what the editors regard as a very unsatisfactory treatment of a most important subject appearing in the Reformed Journal of February […]

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