Infallibility: An Escapable Concept

“I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them” (lsa. 42:8–9). God, in this word spoken through the […]

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Letters to the Editor

Editor, TORCH AND TRUMPET Dear Sir: The article by Richard Forbes, “Work, Workers, and Missions,” is so false a report on the labor scene here in California that one can only wonder at the intelligence or motives of Mr. Forbes. The article is too long for a detailed reply, but a couple of central points […]

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In considering the meaning of the word individualism, it is important to remember that words change their meaning. The word farmer, from before Chaucer’s day to Shakespeare’s time, meant tax-collector. The word parasite, in its original Greek, meant one who partook of the sacramental feast. And, not too long ago, if a man spoke of his […]

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The Modern Concept of the Writer and His Art

One of the instructive sources of the ethos of this age is the college writer, who. reacting in terms of the studied rootlessness of Enlightenment culture, absorbs readily the myths of his time with naive fervor. An interesting example of this appears in a student editorial on “The Writer and His Art” in the Calvin College Chimes […]

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Duquesne University: Symposium on Evolution

No better witness to the triumph of Charles Darwin’s thesis in his Origin of Species could have been given than this symposium held at Duquesne University, April 4, 1959. Four devout scholars of the Church of Rome, a botanist, anthropologist, philosopher. and theologian unite in interpreting evolution in terms of a congeniality on the part of […]

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The Authority of Scripture

Man does not establish authority; he acknowledges it. This is the proper procedure, though seldom observed, Man wants to acknowledge only that authority which he himself establishes or at the least gives consent to, All other authority is offensive to his sense of autonomy and ultimacy, As a result, the claims of Scripture are particularly offensive to […]

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When the Sunday School is a Menace

It is always easier to see the splinter in another’s eye than the beam in our own. It is likewise easier for Christians to see the sins of the world than the sins of the church. Each theological faction grabs readily at the sins of others and fails to see its own. But perhaps nowhere […]

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The Meaning Inspiration

The doctrine of the inspiration and authority of Scripture has been persistently relegated to the background in the past half century by many who regard it as of peripheral importance only. And yet here, as in few places else, some of the central issues of philosophy and theology are brought to focus. Three Views of Inspiration There […]

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Academic Freedom

In recent years, academic authorities have, as in the past, found it necessary at times to censure or suppress student publications. This has occurred at state universities, Ivy colleges, and at Calvin College as well. In each instance, some students, and occasionally a faculty member, have raised the cry of peril to academic freedom. The […]

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