Our Christian Schools – How to Maintain Them

Rev. John B. Hulst is Campus Minister and Instructor of Bible at Dordt College. His article was originally delivered as an address at a Reformed Fellowship meeting held in Sioux Center, Iowa, The topic is timely in view of the approach of the opening of school and the message is urgent. I’m confident that all […]

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THE OUTLOOK is pleased not only to publish but also to endorse wholeheartedly the accompanying Testimony Concerning the Promotion of Christian Education issued by the Northwest Iowa Chapter of Reformed Fellowship, Inc. Executive Committee members of the chapter are: DR. PETER Y. DE JONG, President REV. HENRY VANDEN HEUVEL, Vice-President REV. JOHN B. HULST, Secretary […]

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Letter to Jim

Dear Jim: Some time ago I was privileged to attend a youth retreat at a lake in Northwest Iowa. It was a good retreat and of great spiritual benefit to those who attended. We studied the Word of God together and discussed its meaning for our lives in 1970 . We also sang, prayed, and […]

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Letter to Jim

Dear Jim: Did you know that there are twenty million people in the United States (10% of our population) who are 65 years old and older? I didn’t either until I read the cover story of Time, August 3. It was a fascinating article, Jim, But it was also very depressing. It began this way: […]

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Letter to Jim

Dear Jim: Remember? The last time I wrote we were discussing youth and their attitudes toward the Church. I suggested that one of the reasons youth “aren’t sure they want the church” is because they misunderstand the purpose of the institutional church. Shortly after sending the letter to you I received something in the mail […]

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Letter to Jim

Dear Jim: Please excuse me for not writing last month. For the last weeks life at the college was unbelievably hectic. But now the finals are completed, graduation is over, and summer vacation (?) has begun I can get to other important things, such as writing to friends. This evening I was reading the R.E.S. […]

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Letter to John

Dear Jim: Your last letter made me happy and sad at the same time. I’m happy that you’re willing to write about your experiences and about what you’re thinking. But it makes me sad, a bit angry, and sick at heart to hear about some of your friends who have started to smoke “pot”. I […]

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The Church and the Inner City

The concern of this brief article is a report entitled “The Grand Rapids Inner City And The Christian Reformed Church.” This report, as we understand, has been addressed and sent to the consistories of the Grand Rapids Christian Reformed churches. It seeks to alert these churches to the problems existing in the inner city, and […]

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Pastoral Letter

Dear Jim: I read your last letter with a great deal of interest You’re becoming involved in quite a few things, aren’t you? Remember (you knew this was coming), your first responsibility is to your studies. Yesterday I was reading Calvin’s Institutes. In Book IV, Chapter 1, I came upon something in which you should […]

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Redeemed for What?*

By means of this article I suppose I am addressing people who, without exception, profess to be redeemed children of God; people who can and occasionally do sing: Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it, Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; Redeemed by His infinite mercy, His child and forever I am. It’s wonderful […]

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