At the Turn of the Year

When this January issue of TORCH AND TRUMPET reaches our readers, the year 1958 will either belong to the irrevocable past or it will be on the point of expiring. What can we say that will be of some help to those who give serious thought to the significance of the passing of the Old Year and the ushering in of the New? […]

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The Infallibility of Scripture Denied

Of late we have become almost inured to shock by things written in certain periodicals that circulate especially in the Christian Reformed Church. But we were really shocked by two articles in Stromata, organ of our Seminary students and one in Calvin College Chimes. These articles have caused grief as well as dismay. How we […]

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The Union Seminary of Nigeria

The proponents of a Union Seminary in Nigeria have set forth their reasons in various places with many words. It is possible to boil this literature down to a few basic arguments. Here we attempt to set forth their essential reasons and then analyze them. THE MOHAMMEDAN AND ROMAN CATHOLIC PERIL 1. One of the strongest arguments […]

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The Message of the Unknown Freedom Fighter

“Be not afraid but speak, and hold not thy peace.” Acts 18:9 When during World War I the first Negro soldier arrived at the Western Front and when Lenin, father of Bolshevik Communism, ascended the Czar’s throne, a new chapter opened in the history of Europe. The Age of Europe was closed. Everywhere colonies became independent and […]

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For Such a Time as This

Integration in public schools is once again forcing America to re-appraise the principle of state schools. Virginia and Arkansas are in the vanguard in looking to privately owned schools as a solution. to the problem of integration. Through private schools they hope to re-establish the right of parents to determine the type of schools their […]

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The Nature of Genesis One

In this article Dr. Young, well known Old Testament scholar, explains what should be the Christian’s approach to the first chapter of Genesis. Such a treatment must precede the believing scholars’ interpretation of the various sections and verses of this chapter. The writer encouraged us to entertain the hope that he will give us a more […]

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Do the Wicked Go To Hell When They Die?

Read Psalm 73:12–19 1. A VERY UNPOPULAR DOCTRINE “Ladies and Gentlemen: The idea of a hell was born of revenge and brutality on the one side, and cow­ardice on the other…I have no re­spect for any human being who be­lieves in it. I have no respect for any man who preaches it…I dislike this doctrine, […]

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What is Meant by Sheol and Hades?

Read Luke 16:19–31 ( A THIRD WORD, GEHENNA, WILL BE DISCUSSED IN A LATER OUTLINE) 1. FOUR ERRONEOUS VIEWS WITH RESPECT TO SHEOL You may well wonder why an en­ tire lesson is devoted to this subject. Why bother about the meaning of a Hebrew word and a Greek word? Why not take up something “more practica”? […]

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Read Matthew 25:14–30 I. THE URGE TO EQUALIZE “Soak the rich and raise the living standard of the poor.” “Redistribute wealth so that everyone will have an equal portion.” Such are the slogans we hear on every side. Many people seem to believe that if only this wonderful ideal could be reached, all problems would be […]

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