The late Wendell WiIlkie, once Republican candidate for president in 1910, wrote a reflection on his world tour entitled, “One World”. As a nation we seemed reluctant to realize the implications of the one world concept. World War II forced tho facts of life upon us so that our nation became a leader in the United Nations. […]

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For Such a Time as This

Integration in public schools is once again forcing America to re-appraise the principle of state schools. Virginia and Arkansas are in the vanguard in looking to privately owned schools as a solution. to the problem of integration. Through private schools they hope to re-establish the right of parents to determine the type of schools their […]

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Do Christian Schools Brainwash?

The Presbyterian Church U.S.A. through one of its spokesmen has joined the ranks of those who publicly condemn parochial and Christian schools. Read the answer and the countercharge in this article. Rev. Ganse Little, president of the board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., urged the church’s assembly general this past summer […]

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Manual Arts – Extraneous?

Do you believe that manual training is an essential factor in the education of our children? Then you will agree with the stand of the Christian educator who wrote this article. For a first-hand account of the story behind North Central Association’s dropping of Holland Christian High School from its list of accredited schools read Wilma […]

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The Deeper Problem in Education

Life (March 31), under the above title, editorializes on the pathetic state of American public school education. The editor tells us that the “progressives” have left us “a legacy of distended play facilities, substandard curricula and principals whose intellectual confusion can no longer be disguised by the compulsory smile on their faces.” How are we “to straighten […]

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Thoughts on Education

The Christian Ideas of Education, Ed. Edmund Fuller, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1957, pp. 265, $4.00. The Christian Idea of Education is a book compromising the published proceedings of a seminar held at the Kent School in Connecticut in commemoration of its fiftieth anniversary. Rev. John O. Patterson, rector and headmaster of Kent School, […]

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Are You a “Rational Animal”?

Jiminy Cricket is a well known animated character on T.V. Mickey Mouse program. He is an interesting little professor lifted from the story of Pinocchio to give fascinating lectures on the wonders of nature. These lessons often deal with such marvels of the human body as the ear, eye, or heart. The interesting little professor does an […]

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