THEY MAY BE FOUND in a lonely mining village in the mountains of Japan, or perhaps they are the windswept hogans of the American Indians in New Mexico. It may be that the Bibleless home is under a rain-drenched palm roof in an obscure village in India. Then again, it may be just an average […]
“…the issue that finally led to the calling of the Synod of Dort was the question whether Arminian theology should be tolerated as a permissible teaching in a state university where men were being trained for the ministry of the national church. Now, strangely enough, we who claim the decision of the Synod of Dort […]
This month of May the World Home Bible League commemorates the twentieth anniversary of its foundation. Its origin was indeed humble and inauspicious. It began in Walkerton, Indiana, when Mr. William Chapman, a successful business man from Chicago, after a restoration from illness, determined to devote all his extra time, energy, and fund. to the propagation of the […]
The Roman Catholic Church in the United States is growing in numbers and influence. In 1790 only one percent of the three million people in our country belonged to the Catholic Church. Today Rome claims that at least 40 million Americans are in her fold. Of course, that figure includes baptized children and many nominal […]
Question: Will you give further explanation of your position respecting dramatics? I am referring especially to what you write in your book, BASIC QUESTIONS ABOUT CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOR, page 86: “Some of us are inclined to believe that dramatic and theatrical filming is basically wrong. We believe that God has given every individual his own unique […]
“For by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, that no man should glory.” Ephesians 2:8,9 God loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses! And this love was the moving cause of his mercy. He does not love […]
It is always easier to see the splinter in another’s eye than the beam in our own. It is likewise easier for Christians to see the sins of the world than the sins of the church. Each theological faction grabs readily at the sins of others and fails to see its own. But perhaps nowhere […]
A young teacher in India—a Hindu—was quietly telling some young missionaries that he would choose Communism for his people. Regardless of what was said, he maintained that that was his choice, and anyone who saw him then, knew that he meant what he said. His people and he had come from the lowest class in […]
Life (March 31), under the above title, editorializes on the pathetic state of American public school education. The editor tells us that the “progressives” have left us “a legacy of distended play facilities, substandard curricula and principals whose intellectual confusion can no longer be disguised by the compulsory smile on their faces.” How are we “to straighten […]
“These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew; for the Lord God had not […]